Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Power it ON!!!

I want to create an image of the C drive and archive it in the external hard disc. But I couldn't find the external hard disc listed as the option. Thot that theres something wrong with the computer, I then ask the IT (which is david) of why the ghosting doesn't detected my hard disc.

On communicator messenger:

David: Perhaps it is already rename to something else?
Me: Nope, checked and it is not there. Positive!
David: Weird! It shud be there.
Me: It supposed to be. Sobsobsob. I want to cry already, been looking for it for more than half an hour already.
David: Hehe. Don't cry. Aruna is already on her way up to help you.

3 mins later.....

Aruna: I thot u said u want to cry. Cry first then only I help you...
Me: Hahahaha

Scene: Aruna busy finding what is wrong with the ghosting that it doesnt detect the external hard disc

Out of sudden....

Weiiii, you didn't power on the external hard disc power switch!!! What la you. Ask me to come up from the 5th floor to 18th floor, Just to tell you that you need to power on the switch...

Ohhhh... saya adalah sangat malu okay..... Rasa macam nak menyorok di bawah meja. External hard disc tu jenis yang besar yang kena pakai power cable tu. Seriously masa plugged in cable dia, ingat dah power on dah switch tu...

3 mins later, Over the communicator messenger

David: Hehe. Aruna ask me to pass this message to you. Don't forget to turn on the switch yah...
Me: Grrr

Rasa macam nak terjun luar tingkap jer. Sib baik teringat saya berada di tingkat 18....

Huh. See zaza. Walaupun result saya hebat masa di uni dulu. Selalu dapat 4 flat dan dapat first class, but this.....

is the stupidest mistake ever.....

and masa busy2 mencari ke mana hilangnya external hard disc saya tu. I discover my talent..

I've made a karipap from 'playdoh'. Mama saya tak pernah ajar buat karipap and surprisingly saya mampu membuatnya. I've decided, saya nak quit kerja and jadi penjual karipap. Muahahahahaha. Sebab jual karipap tak payah nak switch on aper2 power cable.


Ila Natrah said...

azriana,lawa la karipap playdoh awak tue..boleh kot awk nk jd pejual karipap.. :P

Anonymous said...

haha..dah mmg suke gile karipap.sebab tu pandai wat karipap.hahaha..

awk..jgn lupe switch on eh.siyannn..hahaha..*gelak guling2*

Little Things said...

ila: lawa kan. hikhikhik... Saya tau saya memang berbakat.. Bakat semulajadi tau :P. Kalo saya jual awak beli tau

measa: gelak la guling2. saya memang patut digelakkan.. saya tau... :(

me3n said...


sori tergelak.

ku dulu penah pening kepala memikir kenapa monitor tak nyala. ia ialah atas sebab yang sama LOL.

Little Things said...


sori tergelak juga..
maknanya bukan lah kita sorang ada masalah tak reti nak ON kan benda kan.

*gelak guling2*

Unknown said...

azriana, sila datang opis pakai mask ok! hahaha... kalau saya mesti dah merah padam semerah playdoh awak tu... hahaha... sila buat karipap pusing baru saya tabik awak!

Little Things said...

azahyangsangatcomel: itulah, merah muka saya masa tu lagi merah dari playdoh itu...

karipap puseng erk... huhuhu.. takder imaginasi macam mana bend atu boleh jadi terpusing seperti itu