Friday, August 7, 2009

You have an option not to read this

I still remember the conversation with my colleagues during lunch time.

One of them ask:

In a relationship, why is it girls always the last to give in when theres something happen?

I beg to differ.

At least in my relationship, it happens the other way round.

Infact, he's the one who always the last to give in. It takes hours for him to forgive and forget when I only takes seconds or minutes to forgive and forget.

Often, I'll be completely okay after he said the magic words (I'm sorry)

But sometimes he still chooses to fight when all he needs to do is to say im sorry and the silly fight will come to an end. (He still didn't get the catch)

And sometimes, when I mengada ngada merajuk dengan harapan akan dipujuk.

He didn't get it and choose to argue, which in the end saya akan pujuk diri sendiri. (Penat jer merajuk)

But if he realized, he have made a big mistakes. Barulah dia beria2 nak pujuk. He was once waiting for me for a few hours inside his car just to ask for forgiveness. And almost makes my heart pop out when I reach my car, start my engine and suddenly he open the door and sit inside my car. Nasib baik saya tak panik dan sembur paper spray kat muka dia. (morale of the story: masuk kereta terus kunci kereta supaya orang tak boleh masuk kereta)

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