Happy birthday to Azlan. Birthday is not perfect without a birthday gift. Isn't it?
I know how much you want your own private jet. I can't afford to get you one. But i will never let you down. You know that aren't you. So for you...
a virtual private jet.. (Silalah terima dengan hati yang terbuka)

and happy birthday to all my friends yang menyambut birthday mereka recently..
Saya tak lupa birthday korang. Just lupa nak wish pada hari kejadian. Serious!
For Azah: virtual cheese cake for now, you'll get one when we hang out yah.

For Measa: Virtual Gen2 untuk awak. Unfortunately you wont get the real one when we hang out. Coz your wish is something near impossible dear :P

Something over unrelated topic: I love to buy things online. When i receive the parcel, it feels like receiving a gift from someone (When im the one who paid for it??)

p/s: Hinting everybody, I'll post my wish list here when its near to my birthday (something realistic, dont worry) and please get it send to my doorstep yah (I dont want a virtual gift) Hahahaha *rolling on the floor*
kihkihkihkihh...dpt jet...fuyoo fuyooo!!
theboonch: ewahhh.. promo nama blog nampak...
jangan segan2... amik jer.. terima dengan tangan yang terbuka.. tak cukup aper2 sila beritahu yer..
yay!! nak kek!!! nak kek!!!
azah: jom!! bila?
cik azriana.itu bukan gen2 la itu pesona.
pst..sy adalah mengkomen bukan dr opis.opis sungguh hampeh.komen blog sudah diblock.arghhh~!
measa: opppsie.. alah.. pesona lagi mahal dari gen2 aper...
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