The title has nothing to do with this entry. I just ran out of idea… and suddenly remember this sentence that I wrote to someone a year ago.
Remember I told you people that I will write an entry once I got the picture from him. Here I am, writing the story of our trip to Cameron Highlands. We weren't really plan for this trip. Aren't we? Started of with strawberry farm, both of us were excited plucking the strawberry that we felt we do not want to stop. Yerp sangat seronok memetik strawberry itu walaupon keletihan sebenarnyer. Tetiba saya tak der mood nak bercerita. Boleh tak? Can i just let the picture do the talking? This is us at the boh plantation. I love this place. The teh there taste a lot better. Well, if you know what i meant.. Wink.. wink..wink We had a lot of fun... p/s: Azlan dearie, you better think about what Ai Cheak just told me and take action on that yah :)to cut the long story short? eh.. long ker?
saya seorg yg kurus laa..
kamu.adekah gamba2 ini di edit menggunakan picasa?
sempat ke g cameron balik hr je??
smpe ati x tapau kn strawberry ye...
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