Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Iyer.. tepat sekali. 2 years ago. when my sister sat for her PMR. I actually told her that i'll buy her a laptop if she get straight A. (knowing that she couldn't, sebab tu berani janji macam2)
and when the result out. She call me happily and i'm the one who is sad with the result. (Laptop is not cheap okay, well at least to me)
I keep on buying more time until like last 2 weeks, i decided that enough with buying time. I should get her the laptop. and yes. Today, i received the laptop and she is so happy with it.
fuhhh... i dont dare to promise her anything though i think its impossible for her to get straight A for her SPM but still, nothing is impossible, right. I pray for the best for her.. since she wanted to become a doctor and get a scholarship from JPA.
so yes!! i am totally broke this month and the following few months.
patutkah saya berhenti berblog.
tapi kat mana nak luahkan perasaan hati :P
Saturday, December 19, 2009
i want to stay healthy
i started to feel like they are being rude. rasa macam tak ada beza kalo lah saya ni gemuk dan orang cakap.. ya allah gemuknya engkau! ko makan aper?
haa.. sama. itulah apa yang saya rasa sekarang. that i started to look into the mirror and keep on asking my siblings.. am i too skinny?
okie. i am slightly under the normal category, if you want to talk about BMI. i repeat, slightly.
masalahnya bukan saya tak nak gemuk. saya tak berdiet. dan saya tak control food intake. i eat what i want to eat. naturally, saya memang a small eater. but depending on the food. especially if its mcdonald.. i can eat more than a set of mc value meal.
but the problem is saya ke toilet like maximum 3 times a day. and minimum 1 time. 3 times kalau saya makan melampau sangat.. sehingga terlebih dari norma2 manusia makan. so that explains.. ke mana semua makanan2 tu pergi.. so it seems like no matter how much i eat. it will definitely ended up in toilet.
but recently, i've tried to eat junk foods. oh boy, it really works. within a month. i manage to gain 2 kg-ies. but the problem is the proportion of where the fat goes is not proportionate and seriously. I dont feel healthy. Not at all.
rasa malas. rasa macam akan dapat penyakit macam2 sebelum sempat menimang cucu yang ke 15. dan rasa takut setiap kali menelan makanan2 yang tak healthy itu.
ahh..tapi lepas dah mula makan junk food. memang susah nak berhenti. tapi saya mmg patut berhenti.
because i rather stay skinny but healthy rather than normal and unhealthy.
btw, i really hate it when people said this... why do you want a model figure, when you are not a model??
daaaa... macam lah.. saya pergi bentuk2 kan kaki saya supaya panjang dan kurus.. macam lah saya muntah kan balik semua makanan yang saya makan...
nope i never do that and will never do that.
Officially missing you
so damn missing him that if money is not a problem i will definitely jumping on the next plane to gold coast.
but yeah.. money is a problem. so back to reality. i still have to wait for another 5 months. Oh my.. how do i get through this 5 months without you..
this feeling that im having now. its really killing me..
yeah.. i do talk to him, phone, skype.. we text each other.. email.. ym..
it helps.. for a while.. but i just want to see him.. i want him to be physically in front of me.. so that i can see him talking to me..his smile..and everything else..
im sick of 'seeing him' through the webcam.. it just different.
i wanted to do all the stuff that we used to do together.
i wanted to be able to call u when i feel like doing so.
i wanted to see u..
and yes... all i want for christmas is you!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
xmas partay
but..dont feel like doing it anymore.
in a bullet point format i would like to give a summary of that night.
- Food wasn't so nice that night, it wasnt bad but not good either.
- I had two xmas gift. Thanks to boon. (I took Boon's gift - wall clock, as he doesnt want it and i could hang it in my room. and i love my santaaa so much)
- Party was a little bit boring, i think the live band makes me boring. It's the same live band as the one we had for office warming party. They should change to the new one. Not that they are boring. but we need something new. :P
- Most of the time.. the activity is dancing. Perhaps, coz i dont dance. so i do not know what to do.
- Someone spill a beer on my pants. My new Levi's pants. eiwww... Stinks!!
- I notice that there's a few malay who started to drink openly. Free flow of beer and red wine. Can't resist huh!!
1) I personally think, that for muslims, no matter how beautiful or handsome you are, the moment you drink (as in alcohol) publicly like nobody business, you are the most ugly person in the whole world. and sorry. I kinda feel disgust with this kind of people.
2) Knowing that there's a few response lab guy might be reading this. i know that i shouldnt be criticizing people in my blog, openly. i never does. but this is an exceptional.
Friday, December 11, 2009
do you love wedding
It's Ai Cheak's wedding. Believe me she look stunning and sooo gorgeously beautiful on her pre wedding photo and also on the morning session "when the husband pick her up from her house".
She still look beautiful on the wedding dinner but i personally think that the hair spoil her look. it bring down the elegant and beautiful look that the bride should have and makes she look aggressive.
The wedding starts beautifully on that night. It really touch my heart when the husband who was waiting in the middle of the hall starts to play violin with 'right here waiting' the moment she walk on the aisle.
it was really a night to remember especially for her. and this is is how i look like on that night

p/s: For some reason, i love to look at all her wedding picture and to tell everyone the truth i actually keep 4 of her pre wedding photo (they actually distribute the wedding photo to the guest on the wedding dinner) and as i am one the closest friend, i have the privilege of choosing the picture that i want.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It's nothing
But its okie, in the future when i read this entry again, at least it reminds me of the story.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Australia ker?
Me: Nanti kalo pergi aussie, boleh pakai kasut baru beli.
Azlan: tak yah lah pakai2 heels tu. Orang2 kat sini kaki ayam jer jalan. the most pon pakai selipar
Me: Oh yer ker
Azlan: Yer lah. Jalan melintas highway pon pakai bikini jer. baju pon tak pakai. So tak payah nak bawak2 heels aper pelbagai
Me: Oh okay. camtu tak yah bawak baju jugak lah.. nanti pergi beli bikini jer
Azlan: ewah2 cakpong cakpong
Betul tak? nak sangat soh ikut orang autralia tak pakai kasut.. biarlah sama terus.
ha ha ha
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I hate to go to to bed with this feeling
i wish that i can write how i feel right now. But i don't think i can. Coz it could be that what i write is not coming from me, it's coming from my anger
i wish that i could be a better person. I think i can..i really have to sit down and muhasabah diri serta fikirkan apakah kesilapan saya and how could i do it better
i wish i could read people mind and thus make a better judgment. but im not a god
sometimes, i really tried hard to make people around me happy. but at the end, i failed miserably. and im the one hurt.
i know, it's impossible to make everyone satisfied with the decision that i've made. i don't give a damn about it either, especially to the haters. but i just hope that someone who knows me better will help to make things easy for me. i just wish that the person/friends closest to me will help to make things easy for me.
Just that. Is it too much to ask for?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Blue berry?? I prefer cranberry!!
Now that we have decided, we don't need our family plus plan anymore as we couldn't enjoy the benefit of free talk time and sms every month. We plan to pay a very low monthly payment for the sake of keeping that number until he come back home. and in the mean time, i can start utilizing my company's line.
Last week when i bring my other phone (courtesy of azlan, he gave me this phone like 2 years ago) to office, Boon made a comment that this phone can be part of museum property. Ha ha. (I don't really care, really)

It's not that i do not want to be connected with him all the time. But blackberry is too expensive. Too expensive for me at least.
I forgot when did i last buy a phone for myself. wait... let me think..
Oh.. that was in the year of 2005. Sony ericsson. and my N81 that i'm using now is from company. So that explain, why a few thousands for a phone is really a burden to my pocket.
Since en azlan have 3 phones right now. and saya sungguh bertuah kerana dia membenarkan saya merasmikan blackberry. (nampak.. saya sedang memuji awak tau).. saya rasa dia akan bagi dekat saya one of his phone.. ha ha.. (battling eye lashes)
jadi untuk ini saya tak akan beli a new phone sebab saya tahu dia memang akan bagi saya phone dia. Right, love?
Until it happen. You will see me with that phone yang layak masuk ke muzium.
Friday, November 27, 2009
i have this. Wrap cardigan.

but the moment i put my scarf on. I look just like a lawyer...
So.. how should i wear my scarf without looking like a lawyer who just lost her case :P
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Still.. i hate exams!!

Monday, November 23, 2009
It scary!!!
Akibat dari terlalu teruja baru habiskan my last paper. Bila measa ajak tengok movie dengan zaza, saya pon terus ikut. tanpa membuat kajian citer aper yang nak ditengok.
Measa cakap Jennifer body. So i was thinking something yang girlish la. So biler sampai and nak book ticket nampak banner megan fox ada darah2 dekat mulut dia. I was like... Okay... this can't be true dan terus tanya measa dan zaza.
Me: Eh korang, ni cerita hantu ker?
Zaza: Aku dah kata dah, yana mesti tak tengok cerita hantu
Measa: Bukan cerita hantu lah, cerita bunuh2.
Me: Serious erk!!
Measa: Yer lah.. tak kan lah megan fox nak jadi hantu plak. mesti lah jadi cantik2
Me: A ah erk.. betul gak (cakap dalam hati)
And bila movie start.. Oh my....
sakit badan saya bersandar dekat measa... memang cerita hantu pon!!
and most of the time. i covered my face using my sweater's hood. (Sib baik beli sweater) sebab ketakutan... dah lah cerita dia banyak terkejut2.. sib baik tak der sakit jantung.. Kalo tak..
Then on sunday.. tengok time travellers wife. Though the story agak lambat in the beginning. Tapi berair jugak lah air mata ni throughout the movie. Sedih!! Coz i try to imagine my life without him :P
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It doesnt turn out to be exactly like that, but at least the color of my furniture and wall is the same as shown in the picture.
It still not complete yet. Still working on the deco. I'm looking for a black and white table lamp to match with my wall lamp and the mini hi-fi. I found one, but it's waaay beyond my budget.
Total damage to my pocket: I can actually travel 2 times to Aussie with that money (all inclusive - flight ticket, accomodation and pocket money for 2 weeks stay). Looking at the bright side, at least, it gives a good feeling everytime I enter my room after having a long day in office, class and massive traffic.
p/s: I deserve a pat on my back, i did everything by myself, from choosing a furniture to paint job and almost everything else including moving out my old furniture though. And mind you, it's hundred percent my pocket money.
and now...
everything is already in place.. the chest of drawers doesn't match with the theme color. But i need it badly to stuff all of my bedsheets. and to get a new one with black solid wood will cost me another 500 rm at least (that is, i have to go hunt around in order to get that price). So for now. I can live with it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mentally disturbed
I just don't know
I really don't know
Ya allah ya tuhanku, kau tuntunlah hatiku!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
the best raya dishes

It seriously the best ever.. The thing i look forward to every hari raya and the reason i do not mind driving 4 and half hours to Johor just to eat this awesome meal.
p/s: I have not been blogging for quite sometimes, the same reason as i always give when i MIA. Hope its not too late to post something related to Hari Raya kan :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Clumsy me

This is the consequences of procrastination...
sleepless night for a few days just to finish my 30 pages assignment that require me to read 26 journal for me to compile all the information needed.
I manage to finish my assignment at 4.30 pm, email Boon my assignment to get him print it for me (as im still on my hari raya leave and my printer broken), leave my house at 5 for my other class in UM.
and when Boon hand over the assignment to me, I flipped through it and went surprise when i reached the final page.
me: Hey, why is it only have 24 pages
Boon: How am i supposed to know, i just print whatever that u emailed to me and it is so impoosible for me to print it wrongly..
(paused and thinking)
me: this is not the updated copy, why din you tell me that it is just 24 pages
Boon: crazy. How am i supposed to know how many pages your assignment is
me: Today is the due date and I'll be penalized 8 marks if i din submit by today. I definitely wont get A anymore.
Asma: aper kata awak keluar kelas kejap, then cari printing shop then awak print
me: saya tak bawak laptop saya
Boon: why dont you send it tomorrow morning, 6 am
me: where can i find printer in the middle of the night
(everybody silent)
me: im going to send the not updated version anyway and be honest with the lecturer abt my situation and let see if he buy my story.
I did send him the email after i left my assignment on his pigeon hole and promised him that i'll send the hard copy the very next day during my lunch hour
when i reached his office, knocking on his door, my heart beat really fast that i felt like it need more space than what it have.
and to my surprise...
Prof roman poznanski (yeah, until now i din know what citizenship he have) doesnt sound unhappy at all. He excuse me from the penalty and infact he said something that is totally hard for me to believe
He said and i quote "You did great in your presentation last 2 weeks. I really like your presentation, i definitely believe u'll get an A for this subject because you are doing well"
Honestly, when i decided to take my master, I dont really put a high hope that i'll graduated with first class honest. Unlike when i do my degree, i have already set the goals right before i start and yes.. i achieved my goals.
Seriously taking master part time is not as easy as what i thought it would be. All the assignments, exams and not to mention sleepless night sometimes really drives me crazy.
But of course who doesnt want to be graduated with first class honest right? and if i do.. i cant be more than happy. and i pray that god will make things easy for me. Amiinnn
Saya memang marah
Sebab baju raya saya tak jadi. Lebih marah lagi bila tailor tak mengaku salah dan masih menegakkan benang yang basah dan cuba mengatakan baju yang siap dijahit adalah seperti di minta.
Ini adalah gambar baju yang diminta. Sila lihat. Baju adalah ala ala baju berpotongan longgar dan lurus yang mana bahu adalah jatuh ke bawah ala ala baju kurung kedah serta lengan yang juga berpotongan longgar. Leher agak bujur dan lebar ke sisi.. Okay.. Semua paham..

Mari kita teruskan dengan baju yang siap.. (Maaf gambar tidak ada) Takper saya boleh gambarkan.. Baju yang siap adalah baju kurung moden dengan leher ala ala t-shirt berkolar bulat. ada shape tapi berpotongan besar. lengan ala2 baju kurung moden yang lurus kat atas dan kembang dekat bawah. dan panjang baju yang tergantung di atas peha. Okay.. semua paham...
I was like...
Eh, kenapa baju ni lain yer?
and she goes..
betul la dik.. itulah baju yang adik mintak hari tu. Baju macam baju kaftan sikit2 kan..
Manusia normal mmg tahu baju yang diminta adalah bukan seperti baju yang siap dijahit..
dan bila saya try.. saya cakap... ni bukan baju yang saya nak... lepas tu kenapa badan dia pendek yer...
and she goes..
Oh pendek sebab kain tak cukup la dik. Kita memang ambik secukup kain you..
dan saya menjawab
haa? tak cukup.. selama hari ni saya buat baju 2 meter tak pernah ada orang complaint tak cukup kain pon
dan dia jawab..
sebab adik tinggi..
dan saya terfikir dan berkata dalam hati..
Yer saya tinggi.. tapi bukan lah tinggi mana pon 163 cm.. dan nampak tinggi sebab saya kurus dan selalu pakai heels tinggi2
saya diam dan terus buat muka tak puas hati..
Baju tu adalah super ugly okay.. Bayangkan kalau orang bersaiz S pakai baju kurung moden bersaiz L yang leher dia macam t-shirt berkolar bulat dan lepas tu baju tu singkat paras peha.. Sila bayangkan
tailor dia yang nampak keadaan saya terus approach saya... dan cakap.. okay.. sebabkan baju ni tak jadi macam you nak.. dia pon suggest la camner nak cantik kan baju tu
Bila makcik tuan punya kedai tu berlalu pergi.. dia pon tanya .. nak design macam mana sebenarnya.. Bila saya bitau dan tunjuk gambar.. tailor dia pon terkejut... cakap baju tu totally different..
So tailor tu pon pujuk2 la saya.
Apa yang buat saya sangat marah adalah bila orang buat salah dan tak nak mengaku buat salah.. dan lepas tu bila saya cakap okay saya boleh terima tapi nak kecikkan badan dan buat betul2 ikut saiz saya.. dia pon mula bising2...
sayang la dik, kalo nak potong, kain you ni mahal..
mula2 saya ignore jer.. bila dia keep repeating the same word again and again.. saya reply.. sebab kain saya mahal la saya tak puas hati macam ni.. Bila kain 280 rm tapi bila siap jadi macam baju pinjam.. serba tak jadi semuanya...
dan dia jawab
yer saya tahu kain adik mahal..saya pernah buat satu baju customer kain sutera macam ni jugak sebab tu saya tak bagi potong
at the end bila dipujuk2 tailor dia, saya bersetuju nak amik baju tu keesokan harinya tapi dengan syarat dia alter baju tu kasi panjang sket. (which means dia akan bukak jahitan dekat bawah yang lipat tu dan jahit sikit jer) tak solve the proble tapi at least better than before la
The next day, bila saya datang, makcik tu tak jaga kedai. Kakak dia yang jaga.. Baju tu pulak ada masalah biler tailor nak alter tapi tak jadi seperti apa yang di cadangkan..
Kakak dia tiba2 cakap..
Kakak dia: Bagus lah you, kain you dah silap jahit you still nak ambil lagi..
saya: tgk lah dulu maybe saya tak nak bayar upah kot kejap lagi (Gila ke aper, upah dia 110 tau)
Kakak dia: Selalu customer tak nak amik dah tau kalau jadi macam ni
Bila dia pergi, tailor2 dia pon cakap.. haa apa lagi bos pon dah cakap.. tak payah amik.. baik tak payah amik.. mintak ganti rugi jer
Bila cakap dengan tuan kakak dia.. kakak dia suruh deal sendiri dengan adik dia..
Berikut adalah perbualan telefon antara saya dan makcik yang salah buat baju saya tu
Saya: Saya tak nak lah baju tu
Makcik: Kenapa pulak?
Saya: sebab baju tu bukan macam yang saya minta
Makcik: betullah itu baju yang awak mintak
Saya: Bukan, baju yang siap totally different
Makcik: Tapi kain you tak cukup nak buat yang macam you nak (masa ni dia dah i, u dah)
Saya: kalau tak cukup kenapa tak bagi tahu masa saya mintak design tu, lepas tu kenapa main jahit jer
Makcik: Okay lah, i tak boleh bagi duit balik, nanti you amik jer kain dekat kedai i
Saya: saya tak nak kain. Macam mana saya nak tahu value kain tu sama dengan value kain saya
Makcik: Kain i 250, i dapat murah sebab i beli banyak. Lagipon kain you bukan berkualiti sangat. Kain reject!
(Saya adalah sangat terkejut okay)
Saya: Kenapa pulak kata kain reject. Saya beli kain tu dekat terengganu. Memang tempat sutera batik. Masa saya beli design tu baru keluar.
Makcik: I selalu beli kain la. Sekali i beli kain sampai 30 ribu tau. Setakat kain macam kain you i tahu sangat. I bukan nak berlagak. Tapi mmg i kalau beli kain 30 ribu
Saya: Kalau you boleh beli kain sampai 30 ribu tak kan you tak boleh ganti duit i 280 ringgit kot.
Makcik: I bukan tak boleh ganti, tapi memang i tak rosakkan baju you. Dah lah, nanti u datang kedai amik kain jer, suka hati you lah nak datang kedai bila. Jangan kol i lagi.. kol kedai jer.
dan dia terus letak telefon..
Adalah sangat kurang hajar okay makcik itu...
Kawan2 sekalian. Jika anda bercadang nak buat baju dekat Noora's butique di PKNS Bangi, sila batalkan niat anda.. Sebab makcik tua tu adalah sangat sangat sangat kurang sopan.
Sampai skang saya tak pergi kedai dia lagi.. Sakit hati okay.. Rosak kan kain orang lepas tu nak buat perangai macam tu plak..
Semoga Allah membalas perbuatan anda yang kejam itu!!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The day when he went away
Its not the first time we parting from each other. When we first started our relationship 3 years ago, we started with a long distance which we only get to see each other once a month and whenever we are lucky, it will be more than once.
But that was way different, we are just like a phone call away, and KL isn't so far from Penang. Only 400 ++ kilometers, which he can always come and visit me whenever he want. and to drive up to penang will not give a damage to his pocket.
But now? It cost us 18RM for every minute of phone call and 1 RM per sms? Do we need the family plus plan still? Gosh our phone bill is soo going to hit the sky by now. and for me to fly there, haih.. we are talking about few thousands ringgit here people.
Agak terharu when he called me the day before he leave and ask me to help him print our picture, coz he want to bring it together with him. How thoughtful is that as i wasnt that thoughtful myself.
His last day in Malaysia does not end the way we plan it to be. I supposed to pick him up at 4.30 and send him to LCCT. But was late because of the stupid tailor (i'll write about this in a bit, lets put the spotlight on him for the time being). So i did not get to spend the very last quality time with him before he leave.
In the airport, i spend more time with his mom as compared to him. Not that im complaining, but it's him that i will missed. You get what i mean? Plus his garang abah, just make me feel like menikus dekat situ. (Yes, i know i was late, haih.. if only i can turn back time) The only sentence that his abah say to me that evening was just. "Jom, kiter pergi makan, buka puasa sesama and nak makan aper?". and that was it.
When he said his last goodbye and salam2 dengan semua.. i was just bz looking at him capturing the best picture of him using my eyes and store it deep in my heart. Masa tu dah sedih sket2 but still okay. and when he call me before his plane took off.. I just burst into tears. Real one. Then is when the reality sets in. You see! Its just one year, i know. But thats the problem when you rely too much on someone. Or more like when my life is part of his.
And the next day when i received a call from him, i could not stop smiling and even Boon said i am crazy as if i never received a phone call before.. Hey, its your boyfriend that call you from thousand miles away..
Truth is, i feel so lost without him.. How i wish i have Hiro Nakamura power now. So that i can help to fast forward the time.
to en azlan dear.. You'll be missed and all the best for your future and our future :) Jangan noti2.
Our last picture together, to those yang tanya. kenapa baju macam besar jer? sejak bila ada baju besar2 ni?
answer: kiter kena menghormati bulan ramadhan dan orang tua :)
Okay habis.. pergi muntah sekarang
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Exam fever
Somehow, i think im too old for exam. I read my notes over and over again but still i cant remember all the content inside like i used to when i do my degree.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Im happy but Im sad
Saya tak nak kena tinggal tapi saya tetap akan ditinggalkan.
Saya nak undivided attention tapi saya kena faham orang lain pon require attention
Saya nak ada a very good memory but sometimes circumstances doesnt really allow me to have what i want
Saya jadi sensitif tiba2 dan lepas tu mula lah memuncungkan muka sepanjang 10 cm. Kadang2 dia rasa saya muncung untuk something ridiculous, tapi saya rasa saya ada every right reason to memuncungkan muka.
Saya tengah cari flight ticket, saya harap harga tiket tak akan menyebabkan saya terpaksa rompak bank atau makan roti selama 3 bulan, tapi sampai hari ni, nampak macam impossible jer nak dapat tiket murah. Mungkin sebab saya plan to travel during december kot.
Setiap hari saya cari tiket flight, sampai boon suruh saya automate, tak payah buat manual lagi. Huhu. mungkinkah saya harus consider that suggestion seriously.
** saya ada mid sem exam isnin ni, dan assignment saya yang 30 muka surat. saya baru tulis setengah page jer.. (pressure)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thank God
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Look, there's 2B pencil. It's been ages since i last have those pencil. I think the last one that i had when i was 18 years old, during my matriculation. For this certification, we are require to use this 2B pencil as the exam is objective.
The exam is tougher than what i thought it would be. That i felt wasted, stayed awake all night and still i did not manage to answer almost half of the question confidently.
Now im waiting for the result which going to be out in 2 weeks. Praying hard that i will pass the exam. Coz to re-take that exam is really a pain that i prefer not to go through again.
and speaking of which, we have to pay MDeC, half of the fees, as they sponsored us for this cert. how much is the half?
A few thousands!!
Now u understand why im praying hard that i pass the exam, don't u?
I'll be MIA again for quite sometimes. At least until mid of sept. I've got a lot of assignments and mid semester exam is just around the corner. Not to mention, all the presentation that i have to prepare. All comes at the same time.
God, I'm breaking apart.
To add more chaos in my life, I'm thinking of doing make over for my bedroom to something like this.

Friday, August 14, 2009
I want shoes
I've tried and really like it. Tp masa tengah beratur nak bayar. Saya notice, dekat strap dia dah macam rosak sket. So saya tanya untuk new pair. They said, it's the last one for my size. How can that be possible kan. New arrival??
Saya tak jadi amik. Sedih. Skang ni tak der mood nak buat kerja. sebab terbayang kasut tu jer.
Letih dan bosan
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I choose to go to class
Semalam ada bbq party dekat Hilton KL. Walaupon sangat tempting nak pergi. tp saya tetap pilih nak pergi kelas juga. Ada orang seronok la saya pergi kelas dan bukan berparty. Kalo pergi party mesti hphone saya asyik bunyi 18 kali.
Masa dekat kelas, tetiba saya dengar thunder. Saya dengan Boon pon tergelak2. Padan lah muka diorang berparty. Hari hujan. Saya pon sms Ai Cheak
Me: We heard a thunder, you guys okay or already wet by now. Hahahaha
Ai Cheak: Nope, it's not raining here. We are enjoying the party and the view is so damn nice.
(Malas nak layan)
(Hphone vibrate)
MMS received from Ai Cheak, gambar2 makanan yang mereka makan
(Muka tension)
Dah lah perut lapar. Kelas sampai pukul 9, mmg sajer jer Ai Cheak ni cari pasal
Hari ni, dekat office..
Me: The food must be so so only (Based on my judgement last time when we had our diner at hilton, cost us 250 approximately per person, tapi food dia adalah sangat under par. Tak sedap langsung)
Them: No, the food is really nice, especially the sausage. Bla bla bla bla... (Start la mereka nak berlagak tu, cakap pasal view la aper pelbagai)
Me: Boon, we don't have to listen to them
Boon: You la, who ask you to talk to them
Them: Ya la, No audience, no speaker ma
Me: Okay.. okay.. look.. im putting on my headphone now. Okay.. So you have no audience now.
Sambil tunjuk tangan (talk to my hand sign)
Benci la!
Saya dah siapkan assignment. Hari ni nak balik keja awal and tido puas2. Cover balik tido2 sebelum ni. 1 down, 3 more to go. Sekarang ni takut nak submit assignment. Because of the stupid turnitin. A stupid software that can detect for plagiarism. No copy paste allowed. (How can that be possible, especially when u reviewing other people work. Berdoa kepada tuhan, semoga turnitin give me green and not yellow or red)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
My shoes are not made for walking
Me: Hurm.. (before i manage to answer)
Him: tu lah nak berfesyen sangat.. tak kisah kaki tu sakit
hurm yerp, sometimes my shoes is really killing me. That's why i have a lots of plaster in my purse. In case i need it.
But i wear and like them still.
Why, because they are beautiful!!
I have no problem walking or even run in them. It's not because of the height that gives me the pain. It's just that some of the shoes, are not comfy.
Sometimes, i wonder, why can comfy and stylish comes together?
I think it does but the equation will be
comfy + stylish = expensive
So far the most comfy heels that i have is the one from eclipse. Never give me a single blister.
The rest, still gives me a blister every now and then. Its okie, plaster is my saviour.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Saya: Ya (my youngest sister) baru beli seluar, tapi pinggang dia tak muat.
Dia: tak muat, kenapa kecik ker?
Saya: tak la, besar
Dia: Itu bukan tak muat, itu longgar..
Saya: Okay, tapi kiter tak belajar BM kan sekarang :P
Dia: okay.. sambung
Saya: Pinggang dia besar sangat. Saya pon boleh pakai seluar tu.. tak tipu..
Dia: Beli seluar ape yang besar sangat tu?
Saya: Seluar KIKO, untuk 13 tahun punya
Dia: OH, lain kali awak beli seluar KIKO jer lah. tak yah beli Levis ke MNG ke aper pelbagai. Jimat sikit. Muat kan pakai... (sambil tergelak2)
Saya: (Terdiam) isy isy.. ke situ plak dia...
Movie day
I lied to him saying that we will watch the proposal instead. On Saturday during lunch, he membebel to me saying "G.I joe best.. baik kiter tengok cerita tu dari the proposal.. yada yada yada" and I just keep silence.
6.45. The movie started. He was expecting the love story scene and i cant stop giggling. And when the movie start, tak boleh tahan lagi terus tergelak. Hahaha.. (balasan orang yang selalu datang lambat, kan dah kena tipu)
I do not really have any expectation on the movie. Sebenarnya saya tak tau pon G.I Joe ni cerita apa. Yes, lately.. he's the one decide and i will just follow.
But there's one part of the movie, when suddenly both of us look at each other and make a sarcastic face. I then whisper to him "best kan cerita ni :P. ahaks"
Sib baik ada channing tatum dengan sienna miller (yang berkaki kurus dan chantek). Sebab citer ni tak la best mana pon. Macam tengok cerita kartun.
p/s: Saya ada kasut baru. Chantek! Lepas pakai akan buatkan saya terasa kaki macam sienna miller :P.
Friday, August 7, 2009
You have an option not to read this
I still remember the conversation with my colleagues during lunch time.
One of them ask:
In a relationship, why is it girls always the last to give in when theres something happen?
I beg to differ.
At least in my relationship, it happens the other way round.
Infact, he's the one who always the last to give in. It takes hours for him to forgive and forget when I only takes seconds or minutes to forgive and forget.
Often, I'll be completely okay after he said the magic words (I'm sorry)
But sometimes he still chooses to fight when all he needs to do is to say im sorry and the silly fight will come to an end. (He still didn't get the catch)
And sometimes, when I mengada ngada merajuk dengan harapan akan dipujuk.
He didn't get it and choose to argue, which in the end saya akan pujuk diri sendiri. (Penat jer merajuk)
But if he realized, he have made a big mistakes. Barulah dia beria2 nak pujuk. He was once waiting for me for a few hours inside his car just to ask for forgiveness. And almost makes my heart pop out when I reach my car, start my engine and suddenly he open the door and sit inside my car. Nasib baik saya tak panik dan sembur paper spray kat muka dia. (morale of the story: masuk kereta terus kunci kereta supaya orang tak boleh masuk kereta)
Trouble is a friend of mine
Tetiba, ada orang ketuk pintu bilik. Bila saya bukak
Mama: Habislah, papa langgar kereta adik (dengan suara kelam kabut dia)
Me: Huh, teruk ker?
Mama. Ntah, adik pergi tengok tu
(Berlari turun bawah, dan melihat kereta sendiri)
It wasn't really bad. but still it needs at least 300RM to fix the dent and repaint..
Papa cakap dia tak nampak kereta saya dan terlanggar masa dia reverse. Partly is my fault, saper soh parking kereta kat situ. But.. how i wish my dad could be more berhati2 before reverse kereta.
This morning, masa tengah breakfast, papa cakap.
Adik, nanti papa repair balik kereta tu. And i was like... tak payah lah... nanti adik repair sendiri. Muka papa adalah sangat rasa bersalah masa dia cakap macam tu. (Macam sedih la pulak)
This is the 2nd time, First time masa saya baru2 beli kereta, papa pakai dan lepas tu terlanggar divider. and dia cakap. Nanti dia repair. and i let him.. Sebab masa tu saya baru start kerja. gaji pon baru 2.2 ribu jer.
Skang ni, saya dah keja 4 tahun dah.. tak kan lah duit repair kereta yang tak sampai 10% dari salary saya nak mintak kat ayah saya yang dah tak kerja lagi kan..
Huhuh.. x pasal2 saya kena buang duit begitu sahaja. Boleh beli 2 pasang kasut dekat charles and keith tau.
Morale of the story: jangan parking kereta merata2 dan jangan biarkan ayah anda langgar kereta anda. Susah nak kira nanti :P
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wearing the same top twice. Ohh and handbag too
It's all Azlan fault. Lately, he always have ad-hoc plan, meeting his friends without telling me up front.
The first time, he decided to bring me along to his friend's BBQ party.
Okay. I'm all set
Second time, he suddenly ask me to accompany him seeing his friend (the same circle of friend again), when I'm wearing the same top and handbag again. The top is in striking pink.
Who doesn't notice?
I met them twice and both in the same top. Haih
So I left my handbag inside the car and just bring my purse along and hope that my top become unnoticeable.
Haih… I keep on wearing that striking pink top these days..
because… I couldn't fit into XS size anymore and most of my shirt is in XS size.. (muat la tapi macam tak cantik sebab ketat2)
bila la nak kurus ni?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Panic Attacked
Okay, rilex. Don't panic…
I have assignment that I need to submit by next week. And I haven't started anything on that yet. Okay, I lied. At least, I have printed all the material that I need to read (journal, conference paper, etc)
Not that bad huh?
So yesterday before I leave the office, I printed the reading material for my assignment. Sangat bersemangat okay!! I even bring back highlighter from office konon nak tunjuk that I really read the journal la.
But as soon as I reached home, had my dinner, took my shower, laid on the bed, looking at a few papers, Identifying of which one I should read first. My eyes started to close half already.
I then texted Azlan and told him that I'm sleepy. And he replied: ", jangan malas"
Okay, saya harus rajin!!
5 minutes later….
(On sms)
Me: can you please wake me up at 12.30
Him: Okay
(12.45 and the phone ring)
Im soooo sleepy la, tomorrow morning, I wake up early la.. okay.. thanks..
Sampai ke pukul 8 pagi….
Bila nak buat assignment ni???
Gosh.. I don't even know what to write…
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
When the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
Sometimes I just hope, people will understand me better.
But understanding a person is never as easy as learning ABC.
Yeah, I got it. But that can never be an excuse for you to understand someone. Isn't it?
Sometimes I wonder, of whether or not my expectation is too high?
Of whether or not, I am unpredictable person that it makes it hard for people to understand me?
Of weather or not, people tend to take things for granted that he/she don't even bother to understand me anymore.
Or simply because i'm too sensitive over teeny-weeny matters
Monday, August 3, 2009
Dough Nut!!
Me: I feel like eating donut. Later, I'll go and buy Big Apple.. (and we are passing the krispy kreme doughnut)
Boon: Hey, buy this la…I heard people say it is nice
Me: I heard people say it is very sweet.
Boon: No, it is nice la. We buy krisky kreme la
Me: Don't want.
Boon: Ok lah I belanja.
Me: Okay
We buy 1 dozen and bring back to office for tea time. Trust me, the taste is nothing but only sweet. It gives me a feeling of biting a sugar. Blegh….
And the something-with-cheese (I forgot the flavor name) is the worse.It was nothing like what we imagine it would be.
Conclusion: I will never have a second byte. Double bleghhhh….
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Undivided attention
I finally had my 'me' time last weekend.
Ever since I start with my class, I hardly find a quality time for myself. Weekdays flies without me noticing and weekend is full with "catching up with friends activity" or "spending a quality time with a loved ones".
My room is like a total chaos. Bersepah macam tongkang pecah. But last week, I've got a chance to clean my room, do my laundry (when I have to ask my sister to help me for the past few weeks). I even have time to read magazines and story book.
Isn't that heaven?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
that is when the reality sets in and i've got the real picture of what going to happen soon.. very soon!!!
im not good in hiding my emotion.. how i feel inside, it simply shows on the outside... and sometimes this sad faces makes people around me worry about me. though theres really nothing that they should worry about
*am really in need to save every penny that i could so that the melancholy will not stays with me for sooo long... (say goodbye to handbag, clothes, good food and shoes)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sepandai pandai tupai melompat
satu malam yang suram....
sedang tipah enak tidur di tilam empuknya ditemani 5 ketul bantal... tipah dikunjungi mimpi ngeri, pakcik abu (bapa kepada Ali) meminta maaf kepadanya atas perbuatan nakal Ali (kekasih hatinya)
tipah yang terkejut kerana tipah memang takut dengan sikit dengan ketegasan pakcik Abu terus terjaga dan terduduk kebingungan..
Lantas tipah bergegas mencari telefon tangannya dan mula mendail no Ali.. Ali gagal dihubungi... dan tipah mula menghantar message ke friend finder bagi mengetahui lokasi Ali..
... kantoi sudah...
morale of the story: buat baik berpada2.. buat jahat.. pandailah jawab sendiri...sebab pakcik Abu akan sentiasa hadir dalam mimpi... Thanks to pakcik Abu...
and yes.. my 'naluri isteri' is kicking in... you better watch out!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The day when I could not be bother
A sign that im tired.. a sign that i just want to believe what i want to believe...
or perhaps a sign for me to start rebel...
and theres this saying... when a good girls go bad... she will stay there...
should i or should i not... (evil laugh)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
master class at bubba gump
A mix feeling of everything. Part of me still scared. Part of me looking forward for the class.
It's tiring, i must admit.
UM is just 10 mins drive from my office. Yeah.. that near.. and I have class every alternate day, 3 days a week.
I don't know about all of you, but usually the semangat to do my work, comes at 3-ish and it last until 8. (so thats the most productive time of the day)
Often, i was on my communicator talking to the stakeholder or was busy debugging my script when i supposed to pack up my stuff and leave for the class.
and Boon will always like.. "Hey, faster go sembahyang, we need to leave dy" to which i replied "like you never come late for your degree class before?"
Its 3 hours class. And we usually hampir mati kelaparan when the class end. The one that i less like (try not to use negative words :p) is the friday class. Research foundation and analysis. It seems like i am lost in my very first class. No kidding. Thanks to Prof Poznanski for the so interesting research study of human brain and all those 'alien' stuff.
But group discussion can be fun sometimes. Like the one we had yesterday in our Interactive System Design class..
But until the week of assignment submission, its just to early to judge and summarize everything. and to make myself more busy, we are planning to enroll ourself and get ourself certified by ISQTB. Hahaha
Good luck to me...
and when our class is cancel.. off we went to Pyramid and play a run and stop with the bubba gump waiter and waitress. Hehehe
and yes.. the Run Forrest Rum and Stop Forrest Stop is the way to call their waiter/waitress.

saper boleh pegang cawan camni?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Petang ni ada kelas... bleghhh
p/s: Saya benci perasaan yang seperti kurang rasa kasih sayang. ahhhh.. Jom kiter muntah
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
I hope i can finish my master in 3 semester. but...
can i cope with the stress and juggling between work, assignments and projects
but i do not want to spend 2 years, its just too long
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
hot and cold
Lucky us that we got Belinda from 8tv quickie as our emcee. Shes really beautiful.
And the party begin.. Cheers!!
Party is nothing without food!! Isnt it people?
Entertainment by iforgotthebandname band while we enjoying the food.
It's belinda.. so that kinda explain :P
And the fun begin...
Creative.. Isn't it?
And the battle to get idol title begin..
She have a good country voice. Really a good one.. I believe she will get the idol title if she not nervous
They manage to get runner up. As the judge think they really feel the song. in which the guy admit, its because he's under alcohol influence. Hahaha
And that is us with our wild cat song!!
And they really impressed me!
We are judged by them. They gave a serious comment (and some of them quite harsh too) as if we are really on American Idol.. hahahaha
And they turn the floor to the dance floor.. Its a live band... and they really makes the office warming party to HOT!!