This is the consequences of procrastination...
sleepless night for a few days just to finish my 30 pages assignment that require me to read 26 journal for me to compile all the information needed.
I manage to finish my assignment at 4.30 pm, email Boon my assignment to get him print it for me (as im still on my hari raya leave and my printer broken), leave my house at 5 for my other class in UM.
and when Boon hand over the assignment to me, I flipped through it and went surprise when i reached the final page.
me: Hey, why is it only have 24 pages
Boon: How am i supposed to know, i just print whatever that u emailed to me and it is so impoosible for me to print it wrongly..
(paused and thinking)
me: this is not the updated copy, why din you tell me that it is just 24 pages
Boon: crazy. How am i supposed to know how many pages your assignment is
me: Today is the due date and I'll be penalized 8 marks if i din submit by today. I definitely wont get A anymore.
Asma: aper kata awak keluar kelas kejap, then cari printing shop then awak print
me: saya tak bawak laptop saya
Boon: why dont you send it tomorrow morning, 6 am
me: where can i find printer in the middle of the night
(everybody silent)
me: im going to send the not updated version anyway and be honest with the lecturer abt my situation and let see if he buy my story.
I did send him the email after i left my assignment on his pigeon hole and promised him that i'll send the hard copy the very next day during my lunch hour
when i reached his office, knocking on his door, my heart beat really fast that i felt like it need more space than what it have.
and to my surprise...
Prof roman poznanski (yeah, until now i din know what citizenship he have) doesnt sound unhappy at all. He excuse me from the penalty and infact he said something that is totally hard for me to believe
He said and i quote "You did great in your presentation last 2 weeks. I really like your presentation, i definitely believe u'll get an A for this subject because you are doing well"
Honestly, when i decided to take my master, I dont really put a high hope that i'll graduated with first class honest. Unlike when i do my degree, i have already set the goals right before i start and yes.. i achieved my goals.
Seriously taking master part time is not as easy as what i thought it would be. All the assignments, exams and not to mention sleepless night sometimes really drives me crazy.
But of course who doesnt want to be graduated with first class honest right? and if i do.. i cant be more than happy. and i pray that god will make things easy for me. Amiinnn
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