It's friday. I feel good and in a very good mood. I want to give away my contact lens. Read this if you want to know the reason.
O2 Optix and the power is 350. If you happen to have the same power with me or know anyone who use this power. Just send your details to my email address I'll courier the lens to you. Completely free!!
What's the catch? Nothing! Nada! Illek puchi amma.
power 600 ade tak?
ehehehe.entry atas jadi agen jobstreet ini agen england optical ke focus point?hahahahaa
hahahahha.. saya agent segalanya.
Berbakat kan!!
yerp.sungguh berbakat.
agen carik jodoh termasuk tak?
measa: agen cari jodoh belum start lagi la. :P
awak,sy dah cakap ngan awak kan tak jd nak amik? sbb power naik tp sy konfius lah sbb smalam gi check kt tempat lain power sebelah kanan jd 350 balik...dah tak ingat lah cam ane nak pakai contant lens
Ila Natrah: la awat tak cakap. Boleh bagi kat awak. Hehehe
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