Friday, November 28, 2008
Him: Hi, do you work in IT firm
Me: Yes
Him: You work with F-Secure
Me: Yerp
Him: Any vacancies?
Me: Not now
Him: Mind to tell me when there's opening?
Me: Just forward me your resume. I'll send it to HR whenever we have opening
Him: Please and if you don't mind, boleh tolong forwardkan dekat company2 lain jugak?
Me: FYI, I'm not working with Jobstreet. Until then, saya hanya boleh forwardkan dekat company saya jer
Him: Betul jugak erk.. hehehe
Glasses no more
It's friday. I feel good and in a very good mood. I want to give away my contact lens. Read this if you want to know the reason.
O2 Optix and the power is 350. If you happen to have the same power with me or know anyone who use this power. Just send your details to my email address I'll courier the lens to you. Completely free!!
What's the catch? Nothing! Nada! Illek puchi amma.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunway Lagoon. Again?
It's time for sunway lagoon again. Hehe. It's not that I really like the place, but I got two tickets for free. So, why waste? It's a bit different this time. Coz we spent most of our time laid on the bench rather than play. Before we go there, I actually told him that I'm not going to get myself on the roller coaster, tomahawk and what not (all the extreme game by my definition). Boring me, I know. I'm just scared and what can I do about it? But that makes me, ME!
What surprise me is Azlan, I thought he will be fine with the not so extreme (again by my definition). But I guess he is not. When I ask why he don't want to play again after the first round. He said it is not adventurous at all. Dear, I really really really want to believe what you said but deep down I know you are just scared. Blek :P. It's okie your secret save with me. I won't tell anybody. Ooops I just did.
We still had a lot of fun even we don't play that much. We went on the weekdays, so not many people there. Yerp, di saat sumer orang sibuk bekerja, kami berehat rehat di tepi pantai (buatan manusia la tapi)
We wrap up the day with dinner at Tony Roma's, Sunway Pyramid. Sat by the window with the view of Sunway Lagoon theme park, Oh my! My shrimp pasta just tastes a lot better that evening. Hehe. I wonder why
Who say you cannot exercise in the office
Suffer from middle child syndrome, my closest friend now of how I love to be the centre of attention. (SOMETIMES je ok). So yesterday was the day when I have the chance to mempublisitikan diri saya. I manage to grab my office mate's attention as the machine makes a few beep sounds when it starts and finish and also the vibration of the machine is not a silent type of vibrate. And as the thing do the business (vibrate on my tummy), whenever people talk to me, I sounded quite funny because my voice like shaking, rhyme to the vibration.
Below are the conversation between me and Ai Cheak when I was using the machine:
Ai Cheak: You don't need to use that la. You are not fat!
Me: Who said so? I'm very fat la
Ai Cheak: Where got.
Me: (with a serious face) I think I have one problem. My face!! It sooo round, like a doughnut. Can I wrap this machine on my face arr?
Suddenly I heard everybody burst into laugh. I don't realize that I was that loud and everybody can hear me.
Ai Cheak: I think your otak kena short circuit already. Too much vibrate.
Hurm. But what is wrong with my statement? Benda ni untuk slimming, and muka saya gemuk macam doughnut sebab Azlan suka bagi saya makan doughnut. Adakah salah kalau saya nak letak kat muka saya supaya dia kurus?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The day when credit card comes in handy
I don't have a secret admirer, and the package is not something very interesting either. Bukanlah bag coach atau makeup stila ataupon any designer item yang boleh membuatkan hati saya begitu gembira dan korang semua jeles dengan saya. The parcel actually coming from the bank. What's inside?
My road tax and insurance policy. Yerp, I had them send it to my door step. This is what I've been doing when it's time to renew my road tax and insurance.
- Give my bank a call.
- Ask them how much I need to pay (road tax + insurans).
- Give them my credit card details.
If I were have to do it myself, this is what I have to go through
- Drive under the hot sun (which I definitely will say no to that)
- Make a few round to find a parking spot (which is a BIG NO, finding a parking spot can really make me cranky sometimes walaupun saya sangat penyabar orangnya :P)
- Pay for the parking
- Wait!!! (queue) to get them to serve me (this can also kill me)
So 10 ringgit and everything else is taken care of. Which one do you prefer?
Monday, November 24, 2008
What did I do....
1) Go to pantry, grab 4 sticks of julies love letter
3) Dip the julies love letter in the milk (use it as a straw) and drink my milk. When the love letter is about to lembik2, eat it and change the straw with a new one.
Sedap di saat anda kelaparan.
Btw, I found a new way of drinking my HL vanila milk. Simply mix the chocolate flavor with the vanila. It taste real good. Its 1 to 9, which 1 is the chocolate flavor, and 9 the vanila. Perfect for people like me who already bored with the same taste of my vanila milk. Lepas saya dah bosan dengan vanila campur chocolate, mungkin saya perlu cuba chocolate campur strawberry (Yucks!! can't imagine the taste) Anyone dare to try and tell me?
What the hack
This is my first time ever been in a conference where people comes in short. But when I read back the title of the conference, it explains why. It's HACK IN THE BOX. Some of them are even hackers in which their routine job is to break the security. It will be quite funny to see them comes dress up. Isn't it? It such an eye opener for me to see these peoples in real, the passion they have to sit down and break people code is simply superb. We've seen them on tv (trust me, dalam tv tu sumer exaggerate je, macam senang jer dia nak break into other people security) but I've got to see the real one.
They are cool, especially the founder of pirate bay. From the way they give their talk, it really shows yang diorang ni hanya budak2 nakal who just want to have fun. So funny and entertaining to hear their story of how they start and what they have gone through to get where they are now. Plus mereka sangat berani untuk tampil ke hadapan and let the whole world know who they are. Super cool kan!!
It's a two days conference, so the next day. I just come in jeans and shirt. When my dress doesn't stand out from the rest, barulah rasa macam tak tersalah tempat. Hehehe
Friday, November 21, 2008

We have our dinner by the sea and swimming pool. The theme was Hawaiian Night. I should give the credit on the dinner as well. It's not the food that is awesome but for the fun that we had. It's totally a moment to remember especially for Boon.
It was unfortunate for Boon, it sooo happen to be her birthday. Ai Cheak and Samuel did a very good job with the coconut shell which they turn it into bra. Yes, you heard me people. It's BRA. You know how we make Boon wear it? We've got HR director to cooperate with us. Hahaha. It's a brilliant idea, don't you think. Coz as soon as he announces it to the floor, Boon has no way to run, it's either he wear it or jump to the sea. Which one is better? You tell me..
1 ringgit and you get to touch his *****
this is strictly for 18 and above only
looks like they had fun
hurm what do you think?
Due to sensitivity issue, some picture will not be publish here and Boon is so going to punch me and break my new glass into 2 after he read this entry. Sorry :P
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Body Combat
I finally made it to the gym yesterday after two months plus of a break. I got there early like 10 mins before 6 when the body combat class only starts at 6.30.
To kill times, I get myself on the treadmill and 25 mins later, I can barely stand straight which perfectly shows of how unfit I am now.
Body combat wasn't a brilliant idea to start with after such a long break, rite people. I do feel like a complete idiot, the way I punch, kick and move really make me feel embarrass to look at myself in the mirror. Let alone other people watching it.
And today I suffer from a body ache and pain. Perfect!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Why is it so hard?
I wonder why life can sometimes be very harsh on us.
I wonder why it is the person that we love most often be the person that hurt us most
I wonder why it is very hard for us to accept the reality
I wonder why something that has been plan beautifully can sometimes turn to be disaster in the end
To you,
You are the strongest person that I've ever known. As much as I want you to have a happy ending in your relationship, buuuuut what makes you happy is the things that matter.
It's not just about now. It's about forever.
Whatever it is, I just want you to know that you always have me.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I always have a headache recently and my eyes, it feels so tired especially in the evening. Haih….
"It has to be my glasses power is increase" say me who tried to act as optometrist.
Last week, when I went to the optometrist to get myself a new glasses, Surprise surprise….
My power has decrease down to 300 from 350 and 325 from 350. I forgot which power is for the right eye and which is left. (You don't want to know the details, don't you?)
Wohoooooo!!! Great!!!
But the bad news is I still have another 3 months of a supply for my lens which the power is 350. (I don't know what to do with this, it's RM120)
And also, I have to get myself a new set with the current power. (
And speaking of power, I wonder is it possible for me to have a perfect vision one day?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008