I'm not a kind of person who fancy over canggih manggih phone, let alone changing my phone every year. Nope, I'm not against technology, I'm in this industry line okay. It's just that saya rasa membazir tuk spend my money on gadget. :) After all, I just use the phone to make call and text people jer. So why bother.
I was juggling between Navigator 6120 and N81. Both are 3G phone. I really need that, coz soon when Azlan away, we still have 3G to make us feel connected. Having a navigator is a plus point since no one will drive me around anymore when he's not here.
After putting a lot of thoughts into this, we finally decide that I should get the N81. Why?
- I have to pay to get the GPS Service
- I think I will barely use the navigator since saya bukan suka merayau pon.
- Azlan is just a phone call away, all this while pon he's the one who navigate me to places I have to go

one word, WOW! ;p. bestnye dpt free ehehe.
hahaha. Best kan!! tu lah excited terlebih2.
Meh la keja kat sini, nanti boleh dapat free jugak :P
wahh..best nye..nk free jugak!!!huhu
copkan tmpt utk sy satu eh ..next year tau :P
tak sabar nak tunggu tahun dpn... bleh dapat hp baru gak \:D/ (icon menari-nari kat ym)
measa: hurm, chop kena bayar deposit tau
azah: company awak every 2 years ke dia bagi baru?
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