I am in need for a new handbag and have already started to hunt around. I came across this at Nine West mid valley and really fall in love with this satchel. The only thing that makes me stop and think over is the material. Kain biasa jer. It's white, which can be easily get dirty and kain biasa? Don't you think that it's too hard to maintain?
p/s: Boon come over to my place just now and told me that "hey membazir la and the bag is very ugly". Anybody agree with him?
jangan...jangan! kalau putih biar leather... nanti kotor kat kain tu sia2 je...
pening kepale tgk my gf yg begitu particular mase carik handbag huhu.
azah: hurm tu lah kan. Tp sangat cantik tau and besar. Senang nak isi sumer benda dalam tu
ad3ck: Hehehe, actually kan adeck, i think guys just doesnt understand, sama la macam azlan. Susah nak buatkan kaum2 Adam nie paham, kan gf adeck kan (teep erk nama dia) serta gadis2 sekalian
btol2.kalo kain nnt cpt kotor.kalo leather tu nnt kalo kotor leh padam ngn pemadam.cam selalu fawah buat..hahahaa..adehh..
hurm..so 5 votes jgn beli:
1. Azlan
2. Azah
3. Measa
4. Boon
5. Asma (50-50) silent reader yang hanya bagi respon dekat ym
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