Tuesday, December 14, 2010

mega sales

who said mega sales only happen in shopping complex. it also happen at myeg this time.

yeah, 50% off for those who pay their summons before fifteen this month.

and for people like me.. who have 858 worth of summons, this is really too good to be true. though 50% from that amount is still a lot. bet better than nothing right..

Initially i'm aiming to get myself a coach bag, the sling bag, a reward for myself after all the hard work (well not really that hard though :P) but with the government setting up a new rules (you dont pay your summons you dont get to renew your road tax thingy). i have to with a heavy heart pay it all. Sigh!

from now on.. i vow to follow all the traffic rules especially the speed limit!

Hoping that i have enough point on my credit card now so that i could cash it out to get my bag still :)


**mEaSa** said...

so da abes byr sume ke? :P

Little Things said...

yer.. measa.. sudah habis bayar semua.. bulan depan makan pasir je lah kot :(