Team member saya tanya "why you so quite today" and i answer "i think im having a PMS" and Boon laugh out loud when he hear my respons..
Pagi tadi saya makan nasi lemak and had nasi lemak again for my lunch.. Phewww....
Just to make myself feel better, i've been eating a lots and lots of choc... Oh my.. how i love chocs...
Semalam azah rekomen cara2 dan resipi untuk menguruskan badan.. Should i or should I not..
Dah 2 bulan, saya pakai handbag dan kasut yang sama. So you'll be seeing a lot of my black shoes and green bag sehingga saya ada mood nak tukar dengan yang lain.
Do you ever hate someone sooo much that you feel like killing her everytime u see her name?

hebat tak rubik saya... ada blogger, google dan sbgnya.. I want to solve this one using my own effort.. Tak nak google2 ni.. Cheh.. berlagak sungguh..
I've got a lot of spam from the UM(calon master baru) mailing list.. More than hundreds.. Pelik sungguh... Sumer dalam tu ada degree ( sebab calon master kan) and lepas tu keep sending email to the mailing list.. "Please remove my name from the mailing list. It started to look like a spam" Apakah???
Memang spam.. sebab orang2 yang hantar stupid request macam tu adalah one of the spammer.... Whose going to read their request? Us on the mailing list.. Padahal dekat emel tu dah terang2 cakap to unsubscribe yourself from the mailing list please follow this link (which brings you to the server for you to remove ur name)
1 comment:
nape rubik awak sangat spesel! tak aci! saya mahu jugak... abis la azriana dah gemuk... nak update kat twitter saya la =))
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