So what did I do to overcome this? I do what I do best. I shop.
Retail therapy works best, don't you agree?
Black top, floral print shirt, two tubes (black and white)
What's inside the bag? A slim fit jeans that I've been dying for and the moment my eyes spot it, my heart couldn't be more agree that I have to buy it. This jeans is sooooo going to be my favorite one. It makes my leg look slimmer. There's also a top to go with the jeans.
A pair of shoes, not a killing heel (like I alwasy like) but this one is something that he like to see me wearing it.
Not in the picture is my sports bra (I'm back to my gym routine so no question why I bought it) and scarf from tie rack.
There's this shoes from ALDO that I fall in love with, but they only have the last pair which is on the display for my size (so I don't buy it, which technically save my pocket)
Other thing that caught my eyes, an oversize clutch from eclipse which Azlan stops me from buying. He said and I quote "it would be just one of the impulse buying. Trust me you wouldn't find the right event to use it plus your hand is too small for such a big clutch". He then starts to remind me with all the stuff that I have been buying but stuck in my closet.
But seriously, I'm still thinking of that clutch. Oh, come on, oversize clutch is so in, rite people? And I can always wear it like... anytime that I want to.
It still doesn't fix whatever it was made me blue in the first place but at least I have a great distraction.
How much damage to my pocket? Priceless!! I wish I can say that but as a matter of fact. I'm almost broke. That is what shopping does to you so it's to be expected. But I'm doing quite alrite, I guess. I used cash for everything that I've mentioneded above except the one inside MNG bag. But how much cash can I have with me at one time?
wah.bes nye shopping2.
tnjuk la gamba kasut2 tu .mahu nengok :)
hehe. Nanti kiter pakai tgk erk. Tu lah tak rajin kuar ngan kiter
eleh..kamu yg x ajak sy :P
there's no such thing as retail therapy... trust me... try to differentiate between need and want... kalau tension, pergi buat benda lain... percaya la :D
that problem will still be there even though awak dah beli, let's say, LV Hampstead or watsoever things yg awak been eyeing for so long!
azah ni memang bagus!! sejak bila awak jadi kaunselor ni?
Yana, awak ni mcm becky bloomwood dlm cite confession of a shopaholic jgn jd seteruk dia dah la....
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