When we were out from the elevator, Boon couldn’t help himself anymore and start laughing. Ai Cheak then scold him for not being concern with other people feeling. He then said “I know you are okay, but seriously, it was so funny to see you head ‘tersepit’ there”. He makes fun of me saying that I try to imitate zidane-way-of-head-butting-materazzi during the world cup. If you guys still remember.

He also said I tried to tunjuk kuat by tersepitkan my head there. Now when I think about it, I can’t help myself from laughing over and over again.
What goes around comes around. Not for too long before he got a chance to experience the same thing. It was yesterday evening. I was on the phone while waiting for the elevator to come. When the elevator comes, I am still on the line so I decided to let go that elevator. Then I hear someone running from behind me trying to catch the elevator. It was Boon and dangg. This time his head is the victim of the elevator's door.
Wahkakakakaka. I laugh right there and then and almost roll on the floor. When we are out from the elevator:
Boon: You are so bad!!
Me: This is exactly the same thing happened to me last time. What do you expect? That I will ask you whether you are okay or not? Sorry. Payback time!!
Hahahahaha. I am still laughing about it now. My jaw is going to drop at anytime. Hahahahahha
hahaha...kelakar...kelakar... nape takde org tahan elevator tu? hahaha...
hahaha.. skang ni kelakar la..
masa kena tu tuhan jer yang tahu..
malu!!! tak tau nak sorok muka kat ner
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