Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I am sorry
Here I want to say I am really sorry to En Azlan Firdaus for what happened just now. Gosh I seriously need an anger management class. Azah, jom cari kelas nak.
Perhaps it is just my PMS. Let's wish!!
P/S: I Love You

I just have chance to watch the movie last 2 week. I’ve been looking for the movie for so long and almost jump out of my seat when my sister told me that she finally got the cd. This entry is meant to share my personal opinion about the movie vs the book.
Starring Hillary Swank and Gerald Butler, it started off with the argument between Holly and Gerry which I have to say is the bad way of starting this movie. Yeah!! The plot is quite different which makes the movie not as good as compared to the book. Hillary Swank character does not really suit Holly as the way Cecilia Ahern (the author of the book) described her while Gerald Butler acting should certainly be commended. If only this kind of guy exist in this world!! I don’t mind if I have to be a second wife :P
I still remember the part when Gerry plans for Holly's vacation with her friends. Imagine if your husband is really sick, counting his last days living in this world and yet still planning for something that can piece your life back together after he died. How thoughtful is that!! I can feel Holly’s emotion and cried together with her when I read the book but in the movie, I don’t feel anything, not even touched.
To conclude the movie is not a must watched romantic movie but the book is definitely a must have. Again this book is not recommended for those who prefer a serious reading.
Glad that I have read the book way before I watched the movie. Otherwise I’m quite sure I will not read it.
p/s: Would anyone want to be my Gerry? but please just don't die too early.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Entry to my heart
Last week I din have any update posted on my blog. Ada org tanya kat ym. Naper dah lama tak update? Hati saya bertanya “Mungkinkah dia rindu nak membaca tulisan saya?” dan terus berbunga2.
Hari tu teddy bear saya dalam kereta bertelur? Zaza mesti jeles sebab otai dia tak leh bertelur. And the good thing about the telur is telur itu boleh dimakan instantly. “Bear saya bertelurkan ferrero rocher!!” Tak tipu!! I likeeee!! Suka sangat!!
I had a craving for chocolate chip cookies. Not from famos amos but the home made one. Fresh from oven!! Yummy. I just notice that I run out of baking powder when I need to mix the flour with it. Too lazy to go out, I then decided to use the self raising flour.
Hehe.. Saya sgt bijak. Buat biscuit pakai tepung kek!! Hehehe. It still turned out nice, I mean the taste but the look.. hehehe.. like ‘terpenyek' on the tray. It is the taste that matter rite?
p/s: I still wonder, how does the self raising flour different with flour+baking powder? Bukan sama jer ker? I’m not good at baking. Sesapa pandai tu boleh tolong jawab?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Anger Management
On Saturday morning, I supposed to go out and meet somebody. I think everybody knows that I’m having a problem with people who is not punctual. Depending on my mood but often it will annoy me.
I usually put on or remove my contact lens after taking the shower. So I do my routine like usual that morning after taking my shower which I suppose to put it on but what I do instead is open my contact lens casing’s cap. Throw away everything out of the window.
I don’t know what was on my mind. I think I am just mad that my brain did not really processing as the way it usually does. I then put a new solution inside the casing and use my finger to remove the lens from my eyes. (Look at the picture below) Then only my brain wake up when the finger touch my eye ball. Ouchh!! It hurts tho which I then realize “crap!! I just throw my lens that I only wear for a week outside the window”
Gosh that goes my 40 ringgit!!
Morale of the story: Don't try to wear your contact when you are mad. Coz you might ended up throwing it out of the window :P
And today I’m fasting again. I have a very long list that if possible I would want to eat all of ‘em. I am drooling over food now. Cepat la buka puasa. Ngee!!
**Yer saya memang macam budak kecik.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What goes around comes around
When we were out from the elevator, Boon couldn’t help himself anymore and start laughing. Ai Cheak then scold him for not being concern with other people feeling. He then said “I know you are okay, but seriously, it was so funny to see you head ‘tersepit’ there”. He makes fun of me saying that I try to imitate zidane-way-of-head-butting-materazzi during the world cup. If you guys still remember.

He also said I tried to tunjuk kuat by tersepitkan my head there. Now when I think about it, I can’t help myself from laughing over and over again.
What goes around comes around. Not for too long before he got a chance to experience the same thing. It was yesterday evening. I was on the phone while waiting for the elevator to come. When the elevator comes, I am still on the line so I decided to let go that elevator. Then I hear someone running from behind me trying to catch the elevator. It was Boon and dangg. This time his head is the victim of the elevator's door.
Wahkakakakaka. I laugh right there and then and almost roll on the floor. When we are out from the elevator:
Boon: You are so bad!!
Me: This is exactly the same thing happened to me last time. What do you expect? That I will ask you whether you are okay or not? Sorry. Payback time!!
Hahahahaha. I am still laughing about it now. My jaw is going to drop at anytime. Hahahahahha
Then comes the best part where I fight with them. Not just I’m very good at fighting but I can even fly. Wohoooo. Imagine a girl fight with a troop of bad guys. It is an incredible feeling that I can’t really describe with a word. Yes, I definitely win!! I killed all those bad guys and buried my kungfu bible in the safe place.No!! I’m not going to tell you guys where did I bury it. Leave me and my kungfu bible alone! :P
I know why I have this dream. I watched kungfu panda before I go to sleep. :) I wake up with a smile on my face together with this tought "Terror jugak saya berkungfu yer"
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I surrender
And this fire’s burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will
To stand for every dream
And forsake the solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I’m in love with you
I know I can’t survive
Another night away from you
You’re the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth
Right now, there’s no better time
From this fear I will break free
And I’ll live again with love
Hahaha. That was then, but now I think the song really resembles my life.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Movie day
We went to watch the dark knight on Wednesday. I am not going to give any review or comment on the story. Enough with the movie was awesome!!
Actually we tried last week in Mid Valley. When we reach there, the ticket left is only for the front seat. We ended up watching X-Files. It was okay but get a bit boring in a few plot.
So this time, I do not want to repeat the same mistake again. I purchased the ticket online. The movie started at 6.20, due to the traffic we reached there at 6.30. Of course we make it just on time. Right before the movie start.
Buying the ticket online is really a hassle free!! There is a kiosk next to the pop corn counter where you just need to slot in your credit card and enter your username/ic number to print the ticket. The most important thing is you don’t need to QUEUE. Oh you can also choose your seat when you buy the ticket. In case you worry about that. :)
Would you buy these?
Okay, this is just my opinion. No offense to those who happened to have the same earphone. Let’s get started with the look and feel
- It gives me a cheap feeling. If I were to guess of how much the price. I would say not more than 30RM
- Not to judge by just the appearance, I then put it on, to experience the sound. Well, the rubber thing kind of like blocking me to hear outside world. It’s like the only thing exist in this world is just me and my music. But still the sound is not really something that an expensive earphone would offer you.
And now, let’s talk about the price. I don’t know about you, but it really surprised me. RM 165!! Let me repeat ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE RINGGIT, that’s about the same price of shoes that I can get from eclipse. Okay forget about my shoe madness. But at least Ai Cheak and I agree that spending our money on that kind of thing is a wasting of money. Even Sam agrees with us. So it’s not about girl-will-never-spend-money-on-that-kind-of-stuff but guy also think that the earphone does not worth your RM 165.
We then advise him that he should consult us before he buy anything next time. But he never learn from his lesson. The following week we found this on his table.
Guess how much he blows this time. Wohooo.. RM330. It’s a wireless mouse with laser technology. He claims that he can do the mouse clicking from the pantry or even from under his table. Sounds tempting and impressed huh? Think about it, if you bring the mouse to the pantry, yes no doubt you can do the clicking BUT can you see the screen from pantry? Hahahaha. How do you know of which one to click if you can’t see? Funny huh? So my point here, the technology is good, but sometimes it is NOT LOGIC to spend money on something that you will never use.
I might be bias but what say you?
p/s: Boon, more entry about you:P
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Retail Therapy
Monday, August 4, 2008
Slipi head
Nope. Its not that I have those i-hate-my-job symptoms. I love my job still. I just need more and more sleep and less activity. Ngee..
I wish everyday is Saturday. **ZzzZZzzz**
p/s: Congratulations to you!! go and break your leg in the next test. :) You have my prayer..