We went to my auntie house last weken. There are a lot of cats there. For the fact that we have no cats at our house coz my mum forbid it and being Aiman, little kids who never have a chance to play outside the house make him start jakun-ing over the cats. At first he’s a bit scared whenever the cats come near him. Not for long people!! Kids will always be kids. After half an hour, he start chasing the cats, running here and there until outside of the house.
When I saw him outside without his slippers on, I then….
Me: Aiman, selipar mana?
(He ignored me and continue running chasing all of the cats)
Me: Aiman, pakai selipar!! (with my voice which sounded like giving him an order)
Aiman: (He then turn at me) Kejap ye. Shabar !! (Showing his hand like in the picture below)

Really make me want to laugh. Hes getting smarter and smarter especially when he knows he's about to get scold or something.
p/s: I google for the picture and too lazy to edit it properly. Well, it's not about the picture but message that matters.
budak kecik skrg ni mmg makin pandai...
bagus betul penangan DHA, Taurina, ABC, DEF, Zat besi, Vitamin segalam macam tu kan?
sgt cumel ini aiman..
mane gamba nye?
azah: betul2, nanti zaman anak2 kiter tah macam mana kan. Jangan terlebih zat sudah.
measa: Nanti yer. Akan saya usahakan gambar itu.
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