Fadhil: Nah, amik ni (sambil meletakkan kotak atas meja)
Me: Apa ni? (sambil memegang kotak)
Fadhil: Condom
Me: What!!! (sambil baling kotak tersebut. Offended la..Apa bagi condom plak ni)
Fadhil: Wahkakaka (gelak hampir terguling). Tu untuk hp la. Apa la takut sgt.
Me: Of course la (saya kan innocent ;))
Let's take a peek at the thing
Looks real. Isn't it.Disgusting!!
Ai Cheak: Wahhh..koyak already. Not reliable at all. If this is the real condom. Sure get pregnant!!
Me: Dang!!
What a conversation...
P/S: There's a warning outside the pack: is especially designed for easy and one time use. Please carefully follow the instructions below. Mobile protection.
what's on ur mind? Hehe I dont want to know.
euwww...cannot imagine la, even dah ada pic pon kita still tak tau camne orang pasang kat hp :|
Sgt disgusting benda tu awak.. Sape la invent benda tue.. tak der idea ngat agaknyer diorg nie.
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