Tadi pergi pasar malam dengan mama and my youngest sister. 3 orang perempuan (wanita, gadis dan kanak2) membeli makanan macam ada 10 orang dekat rumah padahal ada 4 orang jer.. macam lah dah 10 tahun tak makan.
but serious. tengok semua makanan dekat pasar tu teruja. let's see aper kitorang beli.
1) Yong tau fu
2) Samosa
3) Kuih tepung pelita
4) Ayam tulang tu jer.. tak der isi (gambar seperti di bawah). sebenarnya diidamkan oleh en azlan yang jauh di sana. saja tunjuk gambar bagi dia terliur sikit.
5) tau fu fa
6) air cendol dan kelapa
7) buah mangga, buah pear, buah lai
8) apam balik
9) jagung rebus
dan sebagainya...ntah tak ingat pulak tiba2 beli aper td.
okay.. kiter bersambung di lain hari.. sebab tiba2 mood saya ada lah sangat bluegghhhhh sekarang ni.
Goodnite people!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
there's a silver lining for every dark cloud..
yes? no? it is yes for me at least in this situation :)
Remember my post (again to lazy to link it) :P about my phone that can be part of museum property and how en azlan been wanting me to get a blackberry.
I finally get one after a very looooong discussion with him. and he agreed to help me pay some amount of money for that purpose. That is very generous of you my dear.
Remember my post (again to lazy to link it) :P about my phone that can be part of museum property and how en azlan been wanting me to get a blackberry.
I finally get one after a very looooong discussion with him. and he agreed to help me pay some amount of money for that purpose. That is very generous of you my dear.
i've got that from maxis. I actually pay full amount for the phone and pay 360rm for one year unlimited access data plan. Isn't that such a good deal people?
But seriously i am not satisfied with the maxis center, the gardens services. Sucks with the capital S. They are very slow and impolite too. I do not want to talk about this. I've waited until 9.45 for my turn with empty stomach. and been ask to come back again for the phone configuration. i almost lost my temper but for the sake of not making any scene. I control myself.
At first i wanted to go shu eumura to get a gel cream while waiting for my number. but the person there told me. if i missed my number, i have to queue again and they stop distributing the number at 9.30. okay.. fair enough.
After been ask to come back again the next day, I walk back to mid valley as i park my car there, dengan muka tak bermaya. all the shops already close. but to my surprise, shu eumura still open. Yes!!! i walk in and keep on reminding myself that i will only buy gel cream and only gel cream. No matter what promotion they have.
the sales person told me, that if i buy above 350, i will get a 7 pieces of travelling kit and also 1 facial session or a photograph (gambar ala2 model yang diorang selalu amik tu). I have no choice but to tell her that " it's really tempting, but i have to stick on my budget as i just bought the phone"
On the counter, while she prepare the bill for me, the manager said to her "wahh, you still got sales at this hour?". It's already 10.20 at that time. and she reply "Oh, she's my customer, she brought her friend here and buy stuff from me and she'll coming back again". The manager then ask me why didnt i buy more stuff as they have promotion now. Before i manage to answer, the girl answer her for me. "Oh.. she didnt have money this month. She just bought herself a phone and pointing at my maxis paper bag."
and guess what people. The manager said.. then just giver her everything la. since she's ur customer and she still buying from you at this hours!! and you can come for the photoshoot and after that relax2 doing facial.
Oh my, rasa macam nak melompat dekat situ. Seriously. After all i had gone through in Maxis, there is still kind hearted people out there.
No la, not that i want free stuff, but if you work at the service department, kenapa nak kerek2 bila orang tanya soalan. dah memang kerja awak tu menjawab soalan. kalau orang tau. orang tak tanya!!
so tomorrow, i'll be going for my facial and also tangkap gambar. Eh malu la nak tangkap2 gambar macam tu. Boleh tak kalau tak mahu.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Nota bertulis untuk cik siti nur alice
Dear sister,
I know you still reading my blog even i told you not to so i decided to leave u a note here. Im sorry about yesterday. Im not being mad at you coz u ask me to fetch you but more because im tired. I have a lot of things to do at work and still have to worry about my assignments when i get home. and when i reached home, rumah macam tongkang pecah and the sink full dengan pinggan mangkuk kotor. thanks to abang azli's family
i just call mama in the evening and she said she will be coming back today. so u understand my pressure right. coz mama wont stop nagging when she see all that. already im very tired and yet still have to kemas2 rumah and all.
and to u too. Apparently u got some issue now. haha. Im not perfect myself but lets talk about ur issue first
U ignoring us and start to live in your own world. balik kerja, u will go online until wee hours and wake up an hour before you go to work. Remember i told you when u stop helping other people, people will stop helping u too. now i have to think twice before i help u tau.
first, how many days have i ask u to wash ur blanket? Until now, i still see the blanket and ur (u know wut) dalam bakul baju kotor. What will mama said when she come back home? and its dirty!!!! (that is the main point) Grrrr
Second, you used my blanket and never know how to fold it, dont even know how to put the pillow at the proper place. Grrr again... How difficult to fold a blanket dear? You told me that if u have ur own room u will kemas ur bilik always. Daaa... i never see u do that to our room. If i ask u to help sweep the floor. You will take weeks or even didnt do it at all (remember after your spm, u promise nak help me kemas bilik coz im tight up with my final exam? until now, u still havent sapu our room, if i still waited for u, i think the dust can become a carpet pon)
Third, how many times have i told you, please put back ur stuff in the dressing table after u use it. Grr... I dont like to see a things on that dressing table. Only that mini tong sampah which is only to trash ur cotton pad and everything else can go to the dustbin outside our room.
Fourth, i start seeing ur towel on the bed when i come back from work or class. And seriously, i really cannot tahan that. its not fun to sleep on a wet bed. and really i memang marah about that. (see how marah i am?)
Fifth. its not that i kedekut with u, when u said u want to borrow my stuff. but looking at the issue you have above. do u think i can trust u with my stuff. and dont think i dont know when u curi2 and wear my stuff. Look at how i arrange my stuff. everything will always go back to the same place and the way i hang my clothes. i really know which clothes is missing and even my pantyhose for that matter. daa... caught u red handed again!!
until u know how to jaga barang and not to sepah2 everywhere u want. my stuff is still my stuff and urs have always be urs. plus, dont worry about wearing branded stuff coz i have to wait till i get my real paycheck for me to have one. You should be lucky coz we always manja u and layan almost whateva u want. so study rajin2, be a doctor and tadaaa... u can have more than what im having now. I know im giving u a pressure to become a doctor.. but i dont care, i really want u to become one!! haha.
so before you study abroad (see im praying that u get the scholarship) i want you to be well equipped so that when u stay alone and have to be independent, u can do it. and of course u dont want to be like uknowwho, who doesnt know a single thing at her age. Right??
if u think i tak sayang u anymore these days, you are so wrong sister. i still sayang u the most. but with all of the issue above. its makes it look that i dont sayang u. Because i dont want to keep on nagging at u so i rather give u a silent treatment and hope u will understand urself. but u never did. so i have to escalate this issue to mr blogger.
I know how u hate public humiliation and still remember how u cried like nobody business when u din get whatevaaward. but this is not public humiliation kan. its only abang azlan that know u.. and abang azlan is not a big matter to u right. but if it is.. sorry again sist.
last note. ive told u last time, i wont help to fold your clothes nemore. but it never seem to me that u folded ur clothes. i saw mama did it for u. Dont be such a brat will ya. btw, how old are u again?
I know you still reading my blog even i told you not to so i decided to leave u a note here. Im sorry about yesterday. Im not being mad at you coz u ask me to fetch you but more because im tired. I have a lot of things to do at work and still have to worry about my assignments when i get home. and when i reached home, rumah macam tongkang pecah and the sink full dengan pinggan mangkuk kotor. thanks to abang azli's family
i just call mama in the evening and she said she will be coming back today. so u understand my pressure right. coz mama wont stop nagging when she see all that. already im very tired and yet still have to kemas2 rumah and all.
and to u too. Apparently u got some issue now. haha. Im not perfect myself but lets talk about ur issue first
U ignoring us and start to live in your own world. balik kerja, u will go online until wee hours and wake up an hour before you go to work. Remember i told you when u stop helping other people, people will stop helping u too. now i have to think twice before i help u tau.
first, how many days have i ask u to wash ur blanket? Until now, i still see the blanket and ur (u know wut) dalam bakul baju kotor. What will mama said when she come back home? and its dirty!!!! (that is the main point) Grrrr
Second, you used my blanket and never know how to fold it, dont even know how to put the pillow at the proper place. Grrr again... How difficult to fold a blanket dear? You told me that if u have ur own room u will kemas ur bilik always. Daaa... i never see u do that to our room. If i ask u to help sweep the floor. You will take weeks or even didnt do it at all (remember after your spm, u promise nak help me kemas bilik coz im tight up with my final exam? until now, u still havent sapu our room, if i still waited for u, i think the dust can become a carpet pon)
Third, how many times have i told you, please put back ur stuff in the dressing table after u use it. Grr... I dont like to see a things on that dressing table. Only that mini tong sampah which is only to trash ur cotton pad and everything else can go to the dustbin outside our room.
Fourth, i start seeing ur towel on the bed when i come back from work or class. And seriously, i really cannot tahan that. its not fun to sleep on a wet bed. and really i memang marah about that. (see how marah i am?)
Fifth. its not that i kedekut with u, when u said u want to borrow my stuff. but looking at the issue you have above. do u think i can trust u with my stuff. and dont think i dont know when u curi2 and wear my stuff. Look at how i arrange my stuff. everything will always go back to the same place and the way i hang my clothes. i really know which clothes is missing and even my pantyhose for that matter. daa... caught u red handed again!!
until u know how to jaga barang and not to sepah2 everywhere u want. my stuff is still my stuff and urs have always be urs. plus, dont worry about wearing branded stuff coz i have to wait till i get my real paycheck for me to have one. You should be lucky coz we always manja u and layan almost whateva u want. so study rajin2, be a doctor and tadaaa... u can have more than what im having now. I know im giving u a pressure to become a doctor.. but i dont care, i really want u to become one!! haha.
so before you study abroad (see im praying that u get the scholarship) i want you to be well equipped so that when u stay alone and have to be independent, u can do it. and of course u dont want to be like uknowwho, who doesnt know a single thing at her age. Right??
if u think i tak sayang u anymore these days, you are so wrong sister. i still sayang u the most. but with all of the issue above. its makes it look that i dont sayang u. Because i dont want to keep on nagging at u so i rather give u a silent treatment and hope u will understand urself. but u never did. so i have to escalate this issue to mr blogger.
I know how u hate public humiliation and still remember how u cried like nobody business when u din get whatevaaward. but this is not public humiliation kan. its only abang azlan that know u.. and abang azlan is not a big matter to u right. but if it is.. sorry again sist.
last note. ive told u last time, i wont help to fold your clothes nemore. but it never seem to me that u folded ur clothes. i saw mama did it for u. Dont be such a brat will ya. btw, how old are u again?
mimpi itu indah
hari tu saya mimpi faizal tahir datang rumah saya dan bagi tahu dia suka saya. Apekah?
Of all the people?
ni gara2 tengok ramai sangat orang post dekat facebook gambar diorang menonton konsert satu suara la ni.
oh tapi dulu masa tengok OIAM memang saka suka faizal pon..
ada apa dengan faizal?
notes: lately selalu mimpi pelik2.. tapi mimpi itu indah... kan kan kan kan
Of all the people?
ni gara2 tengok ramai sangat orang post dekat facebook gambar diorang menonton konsert satu suara la ni.
oh tapi dulu masa tengok OIAM memang saka suka faizal pon..
ada apa dengan faizal?
notes: lately selalu mimpi pelik2.. tapi mimpi itu indah... kan kan kan kan
Friday, February 19, 2010
Jom berangan
Saya suka delta goodrem and rasa sangat teruja melihat dia menyanyi bersama suami.
tiba2 terbayang, saya dan en boyfriend dalam situasi itu... terbang di awang awangan. petang2 lepas minum tea bersama.. en boyfriend memetik guitar dan saya di piano dan terus menyanyi2.. oh indahnya dunia!!
ohhh okie miss little things. cut the crap.
First of all, saya tak tahu main piano, en boyfriend tak tahu main guitar.
2nd. suara kami berdua, boleh menyebabkan gegendang telinga orang di sebelah menjadi pekak seketika. tapi en boyfriend selalu perasan suara dia sedap. :P
ketiga: sila kembali ke alam realiti
x kira nak berangan jugak... shoo shooo everybody
p/s: thinking of making this blog private la
Thursday, February 18, 2010
my ultimate dream closet
Kalau saya kaya satu hari nanti. perkara pertama yang saya akan buat ialah beli rumah besar dan lepas tu jadikan one of the room as a walk in closet and shoe closet too. Yuhuuuuu!!
Okay people. Jom kiter berangan2
Okay people. Jom kiter berangan2
semua orang dah berangan? okay.. boleh tido sambil tersenyum malam ni..
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Oxy? Fresh
I have a gum problem that for everytime i brush my teeth. It will bleed. and if sensodyne come across your mind when you read this. I will tell you, NO. it didnt work for me. At least not in my case :(
When i started seeing Dr. Aida. Shes my dentist now, introduce by en Azlan, i told dr Aida about my problem. she actually suggested me to try this. Oxyfresh.
It is more expensive than sensodyne, cost me 30 ringgit a tube. But really, it works for me. Now my gum dont have the bleeding problem nemore.
I'm running out of the toothpaste, time to get a new one. But boy, Dr Aida is so far away in Kajang.
Found this site, where i can buy it online. and the price is cheaper by 7 ringgit. The only thing that turn me down is i have to pay 15 ringgit for the shipping cost. Unless if i buy 150 ringgit worth of product then the shipping will be free. But 150? that will be 7 tubes of the toothpaste? what am i going to do with 7??
ha ha.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
saya sorang2 kat rumah dan takut nak mandi. apekah?
ohh bilik saya tak der attached bathroom.. so saya takut nak keluar dari bilik pon...
saya memang penakut orangnya. ntah aper aper.
tunggu adik saya balik jap lagi.. dan baru tak takut sikit
updated: okie adik saya sudah balik.. mahu mandi dan tidur.. good nite people!!
ohh bilik saya tak der attached bathroom.. so saya takut nak keluar dari bilik pon...
saya memang penakut orangnya. ntah aper aper.
tunggu adik saya balik jap lagi.. dan baru tak takut sikit
updated: okie adik saya sudah balik.. mahu mandi dan tidur.. good nite people!!
perbendaharaan kata
kes pertama:
irfan, my nephew makan limau mandarin. tengah tengah dia makan. tiba tiba dia datang dan cakap...
"ada tulang ada tulang"
pelik dengan apa yang terjadi. saya pon tengok lah..
rupa rupanya biji limau tu dia kata tulang. hahaha
kes kedua:
irfan main kereta... dia jalan2 terlanggar tangga..
dia nangis dan cakap "dah putus dah kaki irfan"
when all hes trying to say is dah luka dah kaki irfan
ha ha
irfan, my nephew makan limau mandarin. tengah tengah dia makan. tiba tiba dia datang dan cakap...
"ada tulang ada tulang"
pelik dengan apa yang terjadi. saya pon tengok lah..
rupa rupanya biji limau tu dia kata tulang. hahaha
kes kedua:
irfan main kereta... dia jalan2 terlanggar tangga..
dia nangis dan cakap "dah putus dah kaki irfan"
when all hes trying to say is dah luka dah kaki irfan
ha ha
How to pack light?
I used to be a light traveller. Imagine kalau dari penang nak balik ke KL. no matter how long cuti tu, i just need a paperbag to fit all of my stuff. Sangat light kan?
but now, i think, im not good at packing light myself. the other day when i went to ipoh, ada orang tanya. bawak apa banyak2 padahal nak pergi weken jer. haha.. tapi nasib baik apa saya bawak tu semua saya guna.
but still not as bad as my mum la. i think if possible, dia mesti akan pack everything in this house and carry it with her where ever she goes. Kadang2 apa dia pack tak guna pon.
p/s: faris (adik azlan) sangat cute bila dia cakap. kak riana masuk dalam beg faris la. ikut pergi aussie nanti. konfom akak muat dalam beg.
nota kaki to cik siti nuralice: stop reading my blog lah. I dont read ur blog oso.
but now, i think, im not good at packing light myself. the other day when i went to ipoh, ada orang tanya. bawak apa banyak2 padahal nak pergi weken jer. haha.. tapi nasib baik apa saya bawak tu semua saya guna.
but still not as bad as my mum la. i think if possible, dia mesti akan pack everything in this house and carry it with her where ever she goes. Kadang2 apa dia pack tak guna pon.
p/s: faris (adik azlan) sangat cute bila dia cakap. kak riana masuk dalam beg faris la. ikut pergi aussie nanti. konfom akak muat dalam beg.
nota kaki to cik siti nuralice: stop reading my blog lah. I dont read ur blog oso.
Monday, February 15, 2010
When you get something enexpectedly...
You feel happy!! Don't you?
Like last few weeks, when i was expecting to receive a jaya jusco voucher. and turn out that it is metrojaya voucher. i feel so happy. Coz seriously, i didn't know what to buy in jaya jusco with that 300 voucher.
went to mid valley and caught my eye on something in metrojaya. the price of the thing is more than my voucher price. but come to think about it. I just need to pay a little bit extra and i will get something that i will never buy using my own money for now. Oh yes!! i'm not that rich nor that i have a rich husband or boyfriend just yet (but we will soon. Amiiiinnnn), so to buy that something using my own money, will require me to think twice or more than just twice.
decided and off to the counter to pay for that something. and guess what, for every 300 and above purchase, you will get 50 ringgit voucher. I only know abt it when i queue to pay for my stuff.
and now i still left with 50 ringgit voucher. That is what i call shopping!!
Like last few weeks, when i was expecting to receive a jaya jusco voucher. and turn out that it is metrojaya voucher. i feel so happy. Coz seriously, i didn't know what to buy in jaya jusco with that 300 voucher.
went to mid valley and caught my eye on something in metrojaya. the price of the thing is more than my voucher price. but come to think about it. I just need to pay a little bit extra and i will get something that i will never buy using my own money for now. Oh yes!! i'm not that rich nor that i have a rich husband or boyfriend just yet (but we will soon. Amiiiinnnn), so to buy that something using my own money, will require me to think twice or more than just twice.
decided and off to the counter to pay for that something. and guess what, for every 300 and above purchase, you will get 50 ringgit voucher. I only know abt it when i queue to pay for my stuff.
and now i still left with 50 ringgit voucher. That is what i call shopping!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Guess what
Guess what people!!
My first ever guess shoes! ha ha..
want to have a look inside?
next time when i wear it yah :)
Funny eh
Scene 1:
The lecturer is busy scrolling up and down of a PDF files and also switching between 2 to 3 pdf files (Oh yes, do you ever see a lecturer using a pdf for their teaching material?). He then ask if everyone okay with he keep on switching and scrolling up and down. Most of us just smile but someone quickly said "I dont know la. I've got headache already. You know its like watching tv, if you keep on switching channels you also will get a headache".
The whole class starts laughing
Scene 2:
He gave us like 20 question, he said he will choose randomly out of that 20 as the mid term question. Some people ask, where can he get the real answer, if everyone google for the answer, probably the lecturer will get a different answer for everyone. The lecturer said he dont care. and if we too scared that he dont accept our answer. we can write, "I DONT CARE THIS IS MY ANSWER".
What???? (O.o)
ha ha. that lecturer never failed to amuse me. Seriously!!
The lecturer is busy scrolling up and down of a PDF files and also switching between 2 to 3 pdf files (Oh yes, do you ever see a lecturer using a pdf for their teaching material?). He then ask if everyone okay with he keep on switching and scrolling up and down. Most of us just smile but someone quickly said "I dont know la. I've got headache already. You know its like watching tv, if you keep on switching channels you also will get a headache".
The whole class starts laughing
Scene 2:
He gave us like 20 question, he said he will choose randomly out of that 20 as the mid term question. Some people ask, where can he get the real answer, if everyone google for the answer, probably the lecturer will get a different answer for everyone. The lecturer said he dont care. and if we too scared that he dont accept our answer. we can write, "I DONT CARE THIS IS MY ANSWER".
What???? (O.o)
ha ha. that lecturer never failed to amuse me. Seriously!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sugar rush

it says "THE BEST CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES IN THE WORLD" on the packaging, which pretty much the reason i bought it. Because, who doesn't want to taste the the best chocolate cookies in THE WORLD?
when i reached my workstation, first thing that i do, unseal the packaging and get a bite on the best chocolate cookies in the WORLD.
turn out, it disappoint me. It wasn't the best I've ever tried. personally, i think the one in subway taste a lot better.
there's something about the taste that i dont quite like. It's the chocolate chunk i think, too much that it taste nothing but chocolateeeee.
p's: i've learned, don't easily get over excited on something. Coz u'll never know, it might disappoint you. :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
read or regret
pernah tak rasa takut sampai nak terkencing, berak, nangis, aper semua ada. ni bukan setakat butterfly inside ur stomach. ini dah tahap orang utan dalam stomach tau
haa tu la aper saya rasa tadi.
saya ada exam. tapi tak tau kenapa..this time macam rilex jer. rasa malas nak study. sebab rasa subject tu application. so tak payah susah payah.. nak hafal ingat sebiji2 macam mesin fotostate ketika membaca buku.
hari ni pergi ofis macam biasa. sebabnya comapny dah tak bagi amik study leave. maybe diorang rasa kitorang (saya dan boon) abuse study leave tu kot.
by 4.30. tetiba boon tanya semua soalan2 cepumas. like what is object. what is the different between model object and implentation model. dan saya pon mula lah.. is she going to ask such question?
boon menjawab dengan penuh lagak. i think so.. dan lepas tu sibuk2 nak bagi tahu dia tahu semua benda dan setiap inci slide nota2 yang di ajar. tetiba terus kecut perut and oh my... macam mana kalau dia tanya nanti..aper yang boleh di jawab...
nak baca pon dah lewat.. exam pukul 6. dalam lif nak turun pergi basement (carpark) tetiba termenangis dan berkata. boon, do u mind to tell me, what do u know. I'm scared it will come out in exam la.
and on the way nak ke UM. saya sempat habiskan satu chapter. sambil drive sambil baca dan pegang nota. Seriously... maybe sebab takut sangat kot. sampai tak takut.. kalau2 ter accident.
haa tu la aper saya rasa tadi.
saya ada exam. tapi tak tau kenapa..this time macam rilex jer. rasa malas nak study. sebab rasa subject tu application. so tak payah susah payah.. nak hafal ingat sebiji2 macam mesin fotostate ketika membaca buku.
hari ni pergi ofis macam biasa. sebabnya comapny dah tak bagi amik study leave. maybe diorang rasa kitorang (saya dan boon) abuse study leave tu kot.
by 4.30. tetiba boon tanya semua soalan2 cepumas. like what is object. what is the different between model object and implentation model. dan saya pon mula lah.. is she going to ask such question?
boon menjawab dengan penuh lagak. i think so.. dan lepas tu sibuk2 nak bagi tahu dia tahu semua benda dan setiap inci slide nota2 yang di ajar. tetiba terus kecut perut and oh my... macam mana kalau dia tanya nanti..aper yang boleh di jawab...
nak baca pon dah lewat.. exam pukul 6. dalam lif nak turun pergi basement (carpark) tetiba termenangis dan berkata. boon, do u mind to tell me, what do u know. I'm scared it will come out in exam la.
and on the way nak ke UM. saya sempat habiskan satu chapter. sambil drive sambil baca dan pegang nota. Seriously... maybe sebab takut sangat kot. sampai tak takut.. kalau2 ter accident.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I'm on leave this week (to clear my last year leave), and stuck at home, doing nothing but only surfing, Luckily ada en boyfriend buat muka clown dekat webcam. wanted to go somewhere but on a strict budget as my trip will be like 3 more months from now.
and having said that, i have to stop shopping, no fine dining, and save every single penny to make sure that i din ended up eating grass when i get there.
adalah sangat terseksa. and hope that i dont need to use my saving for that purpose. Coz i have a bigger plan for that saving. Well that one, ill blog about it when the time almost come. Not now.
Hopefully en boyfriend's schedule is not pack come May. Coz otherwise we have to stuck in gold coast and not going anywhere. Saya mahu shopping di sana!!
and having said that, i have to stop shopping, no fine dining, and save every single penny to make sure that i din ended up eating grass when i get there.
adalah sangat terseksa. and hope that i dont need to use my saving for that purpose. Coz i have a bigger plan for that saving. Well that one, ill blog about it when the time almost come. Not now.
Hopefully en boyfriend's schedule is not pack come May. Coz otherwise we have to stuck in gold coast and not going anywhere. Saya mahu shopping di sana!!
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