Yerp. I've changed my skincare again to Shu eumura and using their depsea hydrability range with cleansing beauty oil premium A/L for the cleanser or better known as purifier.
It's realllyyyy a long story, if you ask me about my quest for skincare.
Started with Felisa Cosmetics when i was in Uni. (I guess i dont have to mention the period of using something off the shelf la kan) Masa pakai felisa ni siap pergi facial aper pelbagai lagi.
even masa dah pindah penang, i still use Felisa lagi.
but everytime i came back from lunch. Muka macam kena bakar. Sangat merah.. i seek specialist consultation and being told that felisa is the main contributor of that problem. Perhaps sebab dia ada macam penggelupasan kot.
from there i started to use the skincare from the specialist. Thank god, my face wasn't red anymore after came back from lunch.
2 years in motorola i've then decided to move back to Puchong, sebab long distance relationship is not going to work for us and going back to the same specialist, doesnt sounds like an idea.
so i start using biotherm, first few months.. oh yeah...i received a lot of compliment from people around me. but not for long people. Please read my jogoya entry for further details on this. Too lazy to link it :P

Finish with bitherm cleanser, i then started to look for another skincare. Saja gatal. and Shu eumura is the one. He he.
Personally i dont quite like the purifier. The feel is like putting an oil to your face. and always it leaves a greasy feeling after i wash my face. the good thing about it, it can also be use as a make up remover. 2 in 1. So you dont have to clean your face with the make up remover before washing it. Love it!!!
All in all, i just hope that it doesn't cause a break out on my face. That is the most important thing :)