This is the second week of our master class. How do i feel so far?
A mix feeling of everything. Part of me still scared. Part of me looking forward for the class.
It's tiring, i must admit.
UM is just 10 mins drive from my office. Yeah.. that near.. and I have class every alternate day, 3 days a week.
I don't know about all of you, but usually the semangat to do my work, comes at 3-ish and it last until 8. (so thats the most productive time of the day)
Often, i was on my communicator talking to the stakeholder or was busy debugging my script when i supposed to pack up my stuff and leave for the class.
and Boon will always like.. "Hey, faster go sembahyang, we need to leave dy" to which i replied "like you never come late for your degree class before?"
Its 3 hours class. And we usually hampir mati kelaparan when the class end. The one that i less like (try not to use negative words :p) is the friday class. Research foundation and analysis. It seems like i am lost in my very first class. No kidding. Thanks to Prof Poznanski for the so interesting research study of human brain and all those 'alien' stuff.
But group discussion can be fun sometimes. Like the one we had yesterday in our Interactive System Design class..
But until the week of assignment submission, its just to early to judge and summarize everything. and to make myself more busy, we are planning to enroll ourself and get ourself certified by ISQTB. Hahaha
Good luck to me...
and when our class is cancel.. off we went to Pyramid and play a run and stop with the bubba gump waiter and waitress. Hehehe
and yes.. the Run Forrest Rum and Stop Forrest Stop is the way to call their waiter/waitress.

saper boleh pegang cawan camni?