Friday, February 27, 2009
Rotten Apple
The application that i installed doesnt work and i dont know how to troubleshoot
I wanted to printscreen but i dont which button to hit.
I wanted to open windows explorer and again which button to hit?
The shortcut key like Alt + Tab, WinKey + E, WinKey + R is not functioning.
Seriously you make me feel stupid
but its okie.. I'm learning you today and will get familiar with your pretty face,
so that next week, I can show you that IM NOT STUPID.
*Im learning to use MAC. MR google, please help me!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sayang, you can dance
Yes, you really can dance!! Lets dance together. :)
My favorite. Used to watch the movie over and over again.
And one day, lepas along mandikan Alyaa, Aiman duduk di sebelah sambil memerhatikan Along membedakkan Alyaa dan pakaikan minyak di bahagian2 yang patut..
Aiman khusyuk memerhatikan Alyaa dan tiba2 bertanya kepada Along.
Aiman: Cik Ina, mana burung Alyaa? Dah terbang ek?
Along(Cik Ina) : Huh??
Aiman: Sebab dia lambat pakai pampers yer, lepas tu burung dia terbang?
Along: (terdiam dan terpaku tak tau macam mana nak responds dekat Aiman)
bila Along bagitau kat kitorg, apa lagi, *rolling on the floor* la... well, kids... they never cease to amuse me.
Moral of the story: Jangan bagi information yang boleh misleading kepada kanak-kanak. Nanti akan having a hard time to explain.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saya bencikan orang yang sombong
Tak bermakna anda sombong anda hebat...
Tak bermakna anda sombong, anda boleh lari dari saya...
Tak bermakna saya perlukan pertolongan anda, anda lebih hebat dari saya...
Tak bermakna by putting a lot of roadblock infront me will make me stop chasing you from getting that thing done...
Tak bermaksud anda layan saya macam saya ni robot boleh menunjukkan anda tu lebih hebat dari saya...
My request is simple, dah 3 minggu pon tak siap2 lagi. lepas tu ada hati nak suruh saya buat macam2 baru dia boleh buatkan request saya. Ewahhhhh....
Mungkin sebab dia tak tahu, betapa susahnya saya untuk compensate dengan penangguhan yang dia buat. Sekali lagi saya bencikan orang yang sombong dan banyak songeh
p/s: Takpe kalo anda tak paham sebab tak perlu, saya cuma mahu whining sahaja.
Insomnia Attack
Should i take a sleeping pill? I used to do that when i was in Penang.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mandi Bunga with a very stunning heels
Asma and I took half day leave, the not so needed half day leave I would say.
Took my shower at gym while waiting for Asma to pick me from office and headed to Mid Valley for lunch at Italiannies. I was so hungry on that time that I finished the complimentary bread and when my pizza arrived, 2 slices and that's it. I couldn't take anymore food.
Lepas tu kami bersama2 pergi ke UM, Nope bukan sebab application untuk master saya tapi…..
I have made Asma apply for her master too.. Yay.. ada banyak geng!! So we went to UM to submit her application form. I've made Asma go round and round at UM. We missed most of the turn, its either we were too busy chatting or I simply couldn't remember the way. Susprise huh, memandangkan dah 4 kali saya ke situ.
Kemudian kami ke mid valley semula
Masuk ke MPH dan saya membeli buku. Suka betul saya ni membeli buku, padahal bukannya ada masa sangat nak membaca. Just so everyone knows buku-buku yang dibeli tahun lepas pon saya tak abis baca lagi. Hurm tak per. Akan saya habiskan buku tahun lepas pada tahun ini dan baca buku yang dibeli tahun ini di tahun hadapan. Hahahahahaha.
Berhenti minum di coffee bean sambil bercatching up dan melihat foto foto hangat Asma di handphonenya. Jeng jeng jeng. Sediam diam asma, jangan tak tau asma juga ada photo hangat tau. Yer kawan kawan mari kiter bergosip.
Melihat jam pukul 6.15, kami melangkah ke pavilion untuk MANDI SUSU, bukan mandi bunga lah. Adalah sangat melegakan dapat berendam dalam air susu panas setelah penat setengah hari berjalan ke sana sini dengan heels. Kaki saya adalah sangat bahagia dengan rendaman itu.
Its already 8, when we finished with our milk bath. Azlan is already waiting for me in Pavillion and made fun of my mandi susu and said that I smells like SAPI.
We then went for dinner together, when i hit my bed its almost 11.30. What a long half day.
Wait. Wheres the stunning heels?
Its here!!
Its actually 4 inches heels but teknik orang yang mengambil gambar membuatkan dia nampak macam dua jer. dan ketahuilah saya sangat suka heels itu.
Monday, February 23, 2009
this heart is made of steel
That is what i want! as long as i believe in that, i can get what i want!!
but i was wrong people. Even how much i want it.. if its not meant to be for me. It wont.
So here i am now, asking for direction, asking for whether im really on the right track. Asking to show me the right way. Asking to make sure that what i really want is something that is really plan for me.
I hope i will get the answer soon. sooner the better.
Random Updates
- Dulu, teddy bear saya dalam kereta bertelurkan beberapa ferrero rocher kan. Now, that i dont have teddy bear anymore, Daripada beberapa ferrero rocher dia menjadi beberapa kotak ferrero rocher. I like!!! Thank you!! I love.... chocolates.

- What i love about chinese new year is i'll get a red packet. I mean, i've been giving to others during hari raya, so when i get one, it simply carve a smile on my face. Im hundred plus ringgit richer with those packet.

Friday, February 20, 2009
I've been writing and deleting my entry again and again. Been trying to write for the past 1 hour, but I just couldn't put my thought into words. When there's so much to share and so much to write, isn't it a perfect timing to be blank?
Notakaki untuk measa: Wish you all the best for the interview… Saya doakan awak berjaya, I bet you wont regret to join us here. Nanti kiter boleh car pool bersama2...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If you take a closer look on that picture, it's a picture of my application for admission to the higher degree programme. I ended up register for Master of SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. Gosh.. Isn't that I told everyone that I have no interest in the technical field, and this.. Master in Software Engineering? Hahaha…
Cita-cita nak jadi full time housewife and part time shopper memang adalah sangat tak berkaitan dengan apa yang bakal dipelajari.
It's a very rush decision. Its like the next thing I know we (Boon, Samuel and I) was already in UM, rushing for submitting the form. They really drive me crazy. They walk a lot faster than I am; my 'run' is equivalent to heir 'walk'. Not just that, Boon was really a crazy driver in which I almost puke inside his car on the way back. Seriously! Running here and there to make sure we get to settle everything before their lunch hour and the way Boon drive on that day was something I wish I don't have to experience again. Lucky I'm not on my pumps that day.
When I put my application form in the envelope, I ask them a question….
"There's no turning back now?"
In which they answered:
"You gila ka? Which turn you want to make? U-turn?"
Hahaha, tak per bulan July nanti saya akan decide semula whether saya betul2 nak sambung study ke tak?
Saya sebenarnya tak tau kalo saya mampu untuk study!! MALAS!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dinner together
But at the very last minute, olin have to cancel as she has to work that night for her project deployment.
We eat, gossips and mengutuk sesame sendiri. Itulah aktiviti pon setiap kali berjumpa. And the subject of the night, Ila Natrah.
Ila Natrah yang sumer benda pon dia tak tahu dan ada masalah "bad hair year" bukan day lagi tau tapi year. Sebabnya everytime saya jumpa dia, tak pernah rambut dia dalam keadaan memuaskan. So rambut dan pengetahuan am dia menjadi topic untuk digelakkan. Kesian awak kan….
Here some pictures of the night....
bergambar ala2 "budak sekolah yang baru first time dapat kuar dengan kawan dan berjakun dengan kamera" sambil menunjuk2 kasut yang perasan cantik (tapi kasut saya memang cantik pon kan ila? *rolling on the floor*)
Sekitar Majlis Pertunangan Olin
Yes, I know, it's been a while since I last updated this "little things". I've actually got tons of stories to tell but just don't have time to write them all. I've been busy with work and personal matters.
As the title said ....
To those who don't know. Olin aka Rolin has already engaged to Cenot aka Azli (I hope I get his name right). I believe I can safely publish your engament's picture on my blog, right Olin? It's no longer a secret kan?
Reason kenapa saya nak publish sesangat gambar adalah kerana dalam satu gambar yang bakal dipublishkan, saya nampak lebih kurus dari Olin. Hikhikhikhik….
p/s: azah kiter tunggu awak tunang ni. Cepat2 sket!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Hari tu….
Hari tu saya membelek-belek laptop saya dekat umah, tengok collection lagu.. Ada la lagu justin dulu2 kala.. Hurm seronok saya dengar lagu tu..sampai menyanyi2 sorang2… Maka saya pon teringin nak nyanyi dekat sini gak…
Lagu ni sesuai ditujukan kepada mereka2 yang susah betul nak setia… Saya memang pantang sket dengan orang macam ni!! Jom nyanyi jom (Azah, justin x-bf awak kan? ker awak pon tak setia.. berscandal dengan peter dan justin at the same time?) *rolling on the floor*
You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no
You don't have to say, what you did,
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it
You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone
Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
I know that they say
That somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
(Don't act like you don't know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head
(Messing with my head)
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it
The damage is done
So I guess I be leaving
This song is nice too.. especially kalo dengar Jaclyn Victor nyanyi
"I'm not your superwoman
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
And think that everything's okay
Boy, I am only human"
**Mood menyanyi**
Monday, February 2, 2009

Hari ni cuti ganti tuk Federal Territory Day, tp sebab saya dah drag cuti hari ni ke last week, Friday to get a long holiday, saya terpaksa bekerja hari ni.
Seriously pagi td masa bangun pegi kerja tak ingat langsung ari ni sepatutnya cuti. Bila sampai ofis baru teringat sebab centralized aircond tak bukak. Saya pakai baju ni. Material dia dah la ala-ala sweater. Panas gilllllerrrrrrr. Dah la kat dalam saya pakai tube, sebab baju ni agak low sket kat bahagian chest dia. and now, saya dah macam cacing kepanasan. Rasa macam nak bukak baju jer!!!
Cepat la 5.30.. Tak boleh tahan!!!!