Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Should I or should I not
Reason why we think I should do it now.
1) I don't have a commitment yet. No husband, no kids, no house. In which I'm quite sure I won't be thinking of pursuing with my master when I have all those.
2) Boon and Sam is thinking of doing it now. Which means, I have friends to do it together
3) The company will sponsor us. Which means it's completely F.R.E.E and I don't have to use my own money
Reason why I hesitate of doing it now.
1) It's been 3 years and 8 months since I left university.
2) Am I mentally and physically ready for this?
3) They are thinking of doing it at UM and class will be in the evening. Traffic? Tired?
4) Have to cut down all of the berdating activity (ini alasan yang tak berapa nak wajar)
5) Can I be as persistent as I was during my degree(what if saya tak boleh complete in 2 years)
6) Lazy!!!
7) Pressure study menggunakan duit orang lebih hebat dari pressure menggunakan duit sendiri. Arghhh!!!
Hurm if I really going to do it now. I will pursue with MBA. Why not with something technical? An advice from experience people.. MBA is more useful to your career as compared to the technical... Which is good, as I'm not interested in the technical field either.
on something over unrelated topic:
My company is going to move to Bangsar in May. CRAP!!! Puchong ke Bangsar giler ker? Traffic adalah sangat menerujakan diri saya untuk pergi kerja setiap hari. So perlukah saya
1) Move to somewhere nearer?
2) Find a new job which bring me to this question "macam mana nak sambung master kalau tukar keja???"
3) Tukar office hour, maybe from 10 to 7?
Monday, January 19, 2009
He answered my prayer
Remember, I was praying hard that there would be an exception after I had the so called prawn buffet at Jogoya last week? He answered my prayer… 9 pm at the very same day; I'm down with food poisoning. I could not stop vomiting beserta dengan diarrhea. At 12 that nite, saya rasa sangat lemah like I'm going to die at anytime soon, my brother in law sent me to the clinic and doctor masukkan 1 botol air sebab saya sangat dehydrated. Masa tu saya nangis. Dah lama saya tak rasa sakit macam tu.
It's the worse food poisoning ever.
Walaupon saya ada MC, tapi saya masih pergi kerja sebab saya ada review petang tu. Tengah hari tu saya start demam pulak. Lepas review, saya nak balik, sangat terharu dengan budak2 ni. Diorang offer to drive me and my car back to my home and lepas tu diorang nak balik naik teksi. Sebab diorang tengok condition saya and tak rasa selamat untuk biarkan saya balik rumah sorang2. Tapi saya ada Azlan. Jadi tak perlu saya susah kan diorang.
Sekarang, saya tak ada nafsu nak makan udang and if you ask me to go to Jogoya again. I will definitely say NOOOOO!!! Saya ada phobia yang saya namakan JOGPHOBIA (definasi: takutkan JOGOYA, bukan takutkan jogging yer). Sangat takut!! Seriously!! Walaupon korang cakap nak belanja saya. Saya tak akan pergi sebab saya tak nak suffer for a few days hanya untuk kenikmatan selama beberapa jam. Dan bukan saya sorang je yang kena food poisoning, theres about 10 others, the unlucky ones. So it's not me, it's the food!!
Notakaki: maafkan saya jika entry ini kucar kacir, saya seperti lupa bagaimana menulis blog. Saya baru baik dari food poisoning dan demam :P. Tetapi saya gembira sebab tak ada apa2 extreme berlaku dengan muka sebab semuanya sudah dikeluarkan dengan jayanya sebelum udang2 tersebut sempat diproses oleh perut.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Dulu, bila orang cakap nak pergi Kajang, mesti saya cakap.. Kajang, jauhnya!!
Itu dulu..sekarang hampir setiap minggu saya pergi Kajang.
Dentist saya dekat Kajang.
Dentist yang bernama Dr. Aida tu sangat bersopan santun. Dulu saya takutkan dentist. Sekarang macam seronok pula berjumpa doctor gigi
Saya buat glasses pon dekat Kajang.
Bila saya claim optical and dental benefit dekat company, sumer orang terkejut. Kenapa jauh sangat?
Dan jawapan saya?
Tak jauh la. 45 min jer.
Saya juga suka makan satay Kajang
Dan makan dekat Malee Kajang
Dan juga makan burger dekat burger hotdot dekat Kajang (Abang tu tersalah eja hotdog jottapi sekarang abang burger tu macam tak nak berniaga je)
Cuma kalau nak suruh saya pergi Kajang dari plaza Sentral ni lepas balik kerja.
Saya masih akan berfikir 10 kali. Jauh tau!!!
Jauh sebenarnya Kajang tu
Sangat Jauh
Lebih dari 30km dari puchong dan tak tau berapa jauhnya dari plaza sentral ni.
Traffic jam lagi.
Terima kasih sebab ada orang dari Kajang selalu amik saya balik dari kerja dan dulu masa kerja di Penang, dia juga selalu melawat saya di sana dan angkut tv saya yang berat dari tingkat 9 ke dalam kereta bila saya nak berpindah semula ke Puchong.
Dan bila orang tanya ada apa dengan Kajang
Saya dengan tersipu2 malu akan berkata…
Ada Azlan…..
Cheese Baked Prawn
Had our lunch at Jogoya, Starhill, its company New Year kick off lunch. It was my second time there after my first visit which happened somewhere last year. I wasn't managed to eat a lot last time and for RM110 per person, if I remember it right, what I ate was not worth the money that I paid. But this time, I know the trick. I spare my stomach for the food that really worth eating and did not visit the sushi counter until I have tried everything else.
What I ended up eating? Prawn, prawn and nothing other than prawn. I know, I'm not supposed to have any, but it so IRRESISTABLE. The cheese baked prawn and the king size prawn was soooo yummylicious. Oh wait, I do eat something else. A piece of BBQ chicken wing, cod fish, mussel, satay, waffle, cheese cake and lot and lots of haagen dazz ice cream..Now I start to worry what will happen to my face tomorrow. It just recover.. Praying hard now, that it will have an exception this time..
Now I hardly moved because I am 2 kilos heavier and my stomach is soo going to explode anytime soon and my cholesterol level, I bet is hitting the sky now. Already, my cholesterol level is above than normal and now….. I'll be on diet next week..ok?
Monday, January 12, 2009
Butter prawn and shrimp pasta
It is so terrible; it's all over my face that I myself feel disgust of it. It started after the Sunway Lagoon outing, which is like 2 months ago. I thought because of the water at Sunway Lagoon, but weeks and months past, it do looks like it want to stop but it never does. So it is not the water.
Next, I start to blame over my Biotherm skin care. Hurm.. Perhaps it doesn't work for my skin anymore. I go back to the Biotherm counter and consult the person there. They quite surprise to see my face.. Like I'm not… At first they said, maybe my hormone change, so I don't need the serum anymore. As agreed, I stop using the serum. Yes, it does helps, my face is not so oily anymore but still the pimples, like low and high tide, comes and goes whenever it wants. Macam hotel persinggahan plak jerawat2 tu buat muka ni. I pay Biotherm a visit again, this time they ask me to change to the acne range products. Gosh! It's more expensive than the normal skin care. Sad!!
In that 2 months, saya jadi extra pembersih. If usually I change my bed sheet every two weeks, it become a weekly task and same goes to the towel, lebih often tukar kepada yang baru and my face towel akan dikibas2 sebelum diguna untuk lap muka. But still…. Macam tu jugak
Until last week, I figure that its actually the prawn or apa2 yang sama waktu dengannya. Seriously, jerawat2 akan tumbuh seperti cendawan selepas hujan the next day after saya makan udang. God knows how much I love to eat prawn. Really really really love it.
I dont have an allergy to prawn before and why now? Sedih... macam mana nak makan butter prawn? macam mana nak makan shrimp pasta? I don't know if I can survive without eating prawn...
Marilah kiter bersedih bersama2
Friday, January 9, 2009
Tagged... again
1) Do you have secrets?
Everyone does...
2) Would you fall in love with a guy/gurl younger than you?
Hurm...I don't think he could handle me...
3) What is your mistake that you have done lately?
I would not tell...
4) What would you do with a billion dollars?
Wohoooooo..... saya nak menjelajah europe... its really a beautiful place.... sambil berjalan sambil shopping.. buat bisnes sendiri (tak yah jadi engineer lagi) and bantu mereka2 yang memerlukan. and pergi ke tanah suci dengan suami (hahaha.. sape nak jadi suami saya? saya ada billion dollars tau)
** saya memang suka berangan **
5) Will you fall in love with your friend?
Knowing myself, I know that I can excellently have a platonic relationship without fail.
6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being love by someone?
being love by someone... it seriously a blessed
7) List 5 current favourite songs :-
- The man who can't be moved
- Tercipta untukku (saya nak pasang lagu ni, masa saya kawin nanti)
Lagi 3 malas la nak pikir
8) If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
move on.. will ya? It's really annoying to be pestering by you!
9) List 3 favourite TV shows:-.
- One Tree Hill (it will always be)
- Gossip Girl
- Heroes
11) Would you be the person that you are if you were to be reborn?
I don't believe in that.
12) What do you want the most at the moment?
to have lots and lots of cash
13) What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
measa sangat baik hati
14) Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
i rather be single and rich (I'm being realist now) but I don't mind to be poor as long as I'm married to the person that REALLY loves me...
15) What is your favourite color?
I'm confused
16) Would you give all in for a relationship?
Ask Azlan, he knows better
17) If you fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, which one would you choose?
seperti jawapan measa, the person who love me the most
18) What are the top 5 bands that you listen to or love?-
i listen to all song
19)Name things you would like to do but never able to?
For now or at least this year..... to buy my own house
Thursday, January 8, 2009
1. What's your most favourite colour?
It used to be blue. (Ingat lagi kat matrix, bila bebudak ni cakap saper suka biru dia kaki sex - diey, mu salah sorang cakap kat oghe cam tu kan) It then changed to black and now.. white?
2. Who is the most important to you?
Allah SWT,Family, Kawan2 saya yang selalu ingat kat saya, En Mon aka Azlan, Kawan2 saya yang jarang2 ingat kat saya.
3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
4.Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends on what I'm dealing with
5.How many babies do you want?
2 as two. Hahaha... depending on our (me and whoever that is going to be my husband) financial, it could be more than two tho..
6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
mengikut teori yer kan.. Kalo panas lepas hujan...
7.What's your goal next year?
soalan ni sepatutnya kena jawab last year ni... goal saya simpan duit banyak2... enough with shopping... and penuhkan rak kasut saya... Gosh.. bukankah itu satu conflict.. camne nak simpan duit kalo asyik beli kasut jer...
8.Who'll you miss the most, if you don't talk to them?
En Mon, and kawan2 saya yang selalu ingat saya and my nephews (saya sangat sayang mereka)
9.Do you think the person who tag you like to play kidnapping?
Measa.. Do you?
10.What do you want for Christmas?
What i want for christmas is you (nyanyi ikut gaya mariah carey)
11.What is your bad habit?
Hurm....suka membazir beli barang pastu tak guna and regret later... impulse buying
12.Do you have a secret crush?
Yes... I do (please don't ask who... it SECRET crush... and I would like to remain it as a SECRET)
13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14.What does flying mean to you?
Peter Petrelli?
15.What do you crave for the most currently?
Now? Nothing in mind... wait! Butter prawn.. yummy
16.Are you single / in relationship?
single but not so available
17.What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
shopping can make me happy as a clam and him
18.How's your day?
been eating a lot of chocolate...
19.If you asked to make a wish, what would you ask for?
I wish that I could make a wish.... I'll start thinking when that wish is granted
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Black and white
Do you notice any different? Or all the shirt look kinda same to you? Ai Cheak always said that all my shirts look the same. But they actually not. They are different. Look!! to prove it to you.
I used to buy black because it gives illusion that I'm thinner, but I don't think I need that illusion anymore. Agree?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Power it ON!!!
On communicator messenger:
David: Perhaps it is already rename to something else?
Me: Nope, checked and it is not there. Positive!
David: Weird! It shud be there.
Me: It supposed to be. Sobsobsob. I want to cry already, been looking for it for more than half an hour already.
David: Hehe. Don't cry. Aruna is already on her way up to help you.
3 mins later.....
Aruna: I thot u said u want to cry. Cry first then only I help you...
Me: Hahahaha
Scene: Aruna busy finding what is wrong with the ghosting that it doesnt detect the external hard disc
Out of sudden....
Weiiii, you didn't power on the external hard disc power switch!!! What la you. Ask me to come up from the 5th floor to 18th floor, Just to tell you that you need to power on the switch...
Ohhhh... saya adalah sangat malu okay..... Rasa macam nak menyorok di bawah meja. External hard disc tu jenis yang besar yang kena pakai power cable tu. Seriously masa plugged in cable dia, ingat dah power on dah switch tu...
3 mins later, Over the communicator messenger
David: Hehe. Aruna ask me to pass this message to you. Don't forget to turn on the switch yah...
Me: Grrr
Rasa macam nak terjun luar tingkap jer. Sib baik teringat saya berada di tingkat 18....
Huh. See zaza. Walaupun result saya hebat masa di uni dulu. Selalu dapat 4 flat dan dapat first class, but this.....
is the stupidest mistake ever.....
and masa busy2 mencari ke mana hilangnya external hard disc saya tu. I discover my talent..

I've made a karipap from 'playdoh'. Mama saya tak pernah ajar buat karipap and surprisingly saya mampu membuatnya. I've decided, saya nak quit kerja and jadi penjual karipap. Muahahahahaha. Sebab jual karipap tak payah nak switch on aper2 power cable.
Random Updates
- I can no longer sleep until 8 every morning. Reasons:
- School starts, I have to send my sisters to school every morning, like 7.15
- Traffic is like hell, so kalo terbangun lambat, akan jadi sangat lambat, unlike masa school holidays, half an hour confirm sampai. Kalo tak sampai, mungkin sebab saya tak pergi kerja pada hari itu atau saya buang tebiat jalan kaki pegi keja.
- My boss is back from her long holiday, if you know my boss, you'll know what i mean. Shes really a legend. Sangat lengend okay. Boleh tak tido satu malam dibuatnya kalo memikirkan dia. Ini bukan kes jatuh cinta tau sampai tak tido malam.
- Every weekdays morning, the traffic at my housing area is seriously terrible, because theres 4 school there. Kenapalah nak ada banyak2 sekolah. Padahal, dekat2 jer empat2 sekolah tu. Seriously, sometimes sampai deadlock, and u'll start to hear all the honking.
- I'll be on a long holiday starting 23rd January until 2nd february... Yuhuuuuuu.. Yabedabedu. I don't have any plan yet on what to do. I need a few days for cleaning my room. I'm thinking of going to Avillion again. but 240++ for a nite. Do you think it worth staying there? Or maybe a treat to a facial spa. It's been a while since i last visit this kind of place. But whatever it is, I have 10 days to memalas2 kan diri. Looking forward into that..... Yay!!!!
- Just done with the review yesterday. Hit everything in the scorecard and almost everything above target. Kaaching!! Kaaching!! Sounds of the money coming in to my pocket. Yay to me again!! Okay.. okay.. nanti saya belanja air sirap kepada mereka2 yang rajin meng'comment' dalam blog benda-benda kecik ni (pinjam ayat azah)