I hope i can finish my master in 3 semester. but...
can i cope with the stress and juggling between work, assignments and projects
but i do not want to spend 2 years, its just too long
To be honest, i had the same thought when i first enrolled my master..nak abis cepat...but look what happen now..i'm stuck with my dissertation..but i know u can do much much much much better than me..so dont give up...chayo yana chayo...anyway hows class? amik class ape sem ni?
To be honest, i had the same thought when i first enrolled my master..nak abis cepat...but look what happen now..i'm stuck with my dissertation..but i know u can do much much much much better than me..so dont give up...chayo yana chayo...anyway hows class? amik class ape sem ni?
yer.. sangat nak abis cepat.. and seriously.. dissertation really makes me shiver...
ohh sangat takut...
olin cepat habiskan sebelum dapat baby :P
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